WASHINGTON CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, INC. has sponsored the creation of one or more 401k plans.
Measure | Date | Value |
2023 : REAL ASSET INCOME FUND, LLC 2023 401k financial data |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of other (non real estate) assets | 2023-12-31 | $-249,765 |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2023-12-31 | $-249,765 |
Total transfer of assets to this plan | 2023-12-31 | $2,000,000 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2023-12-31 | $152,533 |
Total liabilities at beginning of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2023-12-31 | $25,650 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2023-12-31 | $6,082,494 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2023-12-31 | $592,867 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2023-12-31 | $113,124 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2023-12-31 | $124,191,574 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2023-12-31 | $116,095,321 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2023-12-31 | $113,124 |
Total interest from all sources | 2023-12-31 | $5,627,398 |
Were there any nonexempt tranactions with any party-in-interest | 2023-12-31 | No |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at end of year | 2023-12-31 | $9,989,917 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at beginning of year | 2023-12-31 | $506,488 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at end of year | 2023-12-31 | $537,298 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at beginning of year | 2023-12-31 | $343,724 |
Assets. Loans (other than to participants) at end of year | 2023-12-31 | $82,838,162 |
Assets. Loans (other than to participants) at beginning of year | 2023-12-31 | $59,301,646 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at end of year | 2023-12-31 | $152,533 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at beginning of year | 2023-12-31 | $25,650 |
Other income not declared elsewhere | 2023-12-31 | $111,994 |
Administrative expenses (other) incurred | 2023-12-31 | $3,961 |
Value of net income/loss | 2023-12-31 | $5,969,370 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2023-12-31 | $124,039,041 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2023-12-31 | $116,069,671 |
Were any loans by the plan or fixed income obligations due to the plan in default | 2023-12-31 | No |
Were any leases to which the plan was party in default or uncollectible | 2023-12-31 | No |
Income. Interest from loans (other than to participants) | 2023-12-31 | $4,484,826 |
Income. Interest from US Government securities | 2023-12-31 | $22,216 |
Income. Interest from corporate debt instruments | 2023-12-31 | $115,935 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at end of year | 2023-12-31 | $2,742,034 |
Interest-bearing cash (include money market accounts & certificates of deposit) at beginning of the Year | 2023-12-31 | $33,815,155 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at beginning of year | 2023-12-31 | $33,815,155 |
Interest earned from interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposit) | 2023-12-31 | $1,004,421 |
Asset value of US Government securities at end of year | 2023-12-31 | $18,112,726 |
Asset value of US Government securities at beginning of year | 2023-12-31 | $21,430,468 |
Asset. Corporate debt instrument debt (other) at end of year | 2023-12-31 | $9,971,437 |
Asset. Corporate debt instrument debt (other) at beginning of year | 2023-12-31 | $697,840 |
Did the plan have assets held for investment | 2023-12-31 | Yes |
Aggregate proceeds on sale of assets | 2023-12-31 | $60,678,008 |
Aggregate carrying amount (costs) on sale of assets | 2023-12-31 | $60,085,141 |
Opinion of an independent qualified public accountant for this plan | 2023-12-31 | Unqualified |
Accountancy firm name | 2023-12-31 | MOSS ADAMS LLP |
Accountancy firm EIN | 2023-12-31 | 910189318 |
2022 : REAL ASSET INCOME FUND, LLC 2022 401k financial data |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of other (non real estate) assets | 2022-12-31 | $-3,123,213 |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2022-12-31 | $-3,123,213 |
Total transfer of assets to this plan | 2022-12-31 | $53,647,528 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2022-12-31 | $25,650 |
Total liabilities at beginning of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2022-12-31 | $1,573,261 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2022-12-31 | $-974,566 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2022-12-31 | $64,717 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2022-12-31 | $119,485 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2022-12-31 | $116,095,321 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2022-12-31 | $65,089,455 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2022-12-31 | $119,485 |
Total interest from all sources | 2022-12-31 | $1,806,659 |
Administrative expenses professional fees incurred | 2022-12-31 | $49,530 |
Were there any nonexempt tranactions with any party-in-interest | 2022-12-31 | No |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at end of year | 2022-12-31 | $506,488 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at beginning of year | 2022-12-31 | $2,741,424 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at end of year | 2022-12-31 | $343,724 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at beginning of year | 2022-12-31 | $1,613,046 |
Assets. Loans (other than to participants) at end of year | 2022-12-31 | $59,301,646 |
Assets. Loans (other than to participants) at beginning of year | 2022-12-31 | $11,683,077 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at end of year | 2022-12-31 | $25,650 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at beginning of year | 2022-12-31 | $1,573,261 |
Other income not declared elsewhere | 2022-12-31 | $277,271 |
Administrative expenses (other) incurred | 2022-12-31 | $69,955 |
Value of net income/loss | 2022-12-31 | $-1,094,051 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2022-12-31 | $116,069,671 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2022-12-31 | $63,516,194 |
Were any loans by the plan or fixed income obligations due to the plan in default | 2022-12-31 | No |
Were any leases to which the plan was party in default or uncollectible | 2022-12-31 | No |
Income. Interest from loans (other than to participants) | 2022-12-31 | $1,340,526 |
Income. Interest from US Government securities | 2022-12-31 | $12,984 |
Income. Interest from corporate debt instruments | 2022-12-31 | $89,309 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at end of year | 2022-12-31 | $33,815,155 |
Interest-bearing cash (include money market accounts & certificates of deposit) at beginning of the Year | 2022-12-31 | $2,006,919 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at beginning of year | 2022-12-31 | $2,006,919 |
Interest earned from interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposit) | 2022-12-31 | $363,840 |
Asset value of US Government securities at end of year | 2022-12-31 | $21,430,468 |
Asset value of US Government securities at beginning of year | 2022-12-31 | $46,786,294 |
Asset. Corporate debt instrument debt (other) at end of year | 2022-12-31 | $697,840 |
Asset. Corporate debt instrument debt (other) at beginning of year | 2022-12-31 | $258,695 |
Did the plan have assets held for investment | 2022-12-31 | Yes |
Aggregate proceeds on sale of assets | 2022-12-31 | $86,646,024 |
Aggregate carrying amount (costs) on sale of assets | 2022-12-31 | $86,581,307 |
Opinion of an independent qualified public accountant for this plan | 2022-12-31 | Unqualified |
Accountancy firm name | 2022-12-31 | MOSS ADAMS, LLP |
Accountancy firm EIN | 2022-12-31 | 910189318 |
2021 : REAL ASSET INCOME FUND, LLC 2021 401k financial data |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of other (non real estate) assets | 2021-12-31 | $214 |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2021-12-31 | $214 |
Total transfer of assets to this plan | 2021-12-31 | $63,360,000 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2021-12-31 | $1,573,261 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2021-12-31 | $211,994 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2021-12-31 | $-4,751 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2021-12-31 | $55,800 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2021-12-31 | $65,089,455 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2021-12-31 | $0 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2021-12-31 | $55,800 |
Total interest from all sources | 2021-12-31 | $98,331 |
Administrative expenses professional fees incurred | 2021-12-31 | $2,700 |
Were there any nonexempt tranactions with any party-in-interest | 2021-12-31 | No |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at end of year | 2021-12-31 | $2,741,424 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at end of year | 2021-12-31 | $1,613,046 |
Assets. Loans (other than to participants) at end of year | 2021-12-31 | $11,683,077 |
Assets. Loans (other than to participants) at beginning of year | 2021-12-31 | $0 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at end of year | 2021-12-31 | $1,573,261 |
Other income not declared elsewhere | 2021-12-31 | $118,200 |
Administrative expenses (other) incurred | 2021-12-31 | $53,100 |
Value of net income/loss | 2021-12-31 | $156,194 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2021-12-31 | $63,516,194 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2021-12-31 | $0 |
Were any loans by the plan or fixed income obligations due to the plan in default | 2021-12-31 | No |
Were any leases to which the plan was party in default or uncollectible | 2021-12-31 | No |
Income. Interest from loans (other than to participants) | 2021-12-31 | $58,489 |
Income. Interest from US Government securities | 2021-12-31 | $1,467 |
Income. Interest from corporate debt instruments | 2021-12-31 | $38,132 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at end of year | 2021-12-31 | $2,006,919 |
Interest-bearing cash (include money market accounts & certificates of deposit) at beginning of the Year | 2021-12-31 | $0 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at beginning of year | 2021-12-31 | $0 |
Interest earned from interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposit) | 2021-12-31 | $243 |
Asset value of US Government securities at end of year | 2021-12-31 | $46,786,294 |
Asset value of US Government securities at beginning of year | 2021-12-31 | $0 |
Asset. Corporate debt instrument debt (other) at end of year | 2021-12-31 | $258,695 |
Asset. Corporate debt instrument debt (other) at beginning of year | 2021-12-31 | $0 |
Did the plan have assets held for investment | 2021-12-31 | Yes |
Aggregate proceeds on sale of assets | 2021-12-31 | $14,726,946 |
Aggregate carrying amount (costs) on sale of assets | 2021-12-31 | $14,731,697 |
Opinion of an independent qualified public accountant for this plan | 2021-12-31 | Unqualified |
Accountancy firm name | 2021-12-31 | MOSS ADAMS, LLP |
Accountancy firm EIN | 2021-12-31 | 910189318 |