

Plan identification number 502


401k Plan TypeWelfare Benefit
Plan Features/Benefits
  • Health (other than dental or vision)
  • Life insurance
  • Dental
  • Long-term disability cover

401k Sponsoring company profile

JAY HENGES ENTERPRISES, INC. has sponsored the creation of one or more 401k plans.

Employer identification number (EIN):430916729
NAIC Classification:561790
NAIC Description:Other Services to Buildings and Dwellings

Additional information about JAY HENGES ENTERPRISES, INC.

Jurisdiction of Incorporation: Virginia Secretary of State
Incorporation Date: 2010-05-03
Company Identification Number: F182382
Legal Registered Office Address: 4701 Cox Rd Ste 285

Glen Allen
United States of America (USA)

More information about JAY HENGES ENTERPRISES, INC.

Form 5500 Filing Information

Submission information for form 5500 for 401k plan JAY HENGES ENTERPRISES INC. FLEXIBLE BENEFIT PLAN

Plan id# Filing Submission Date Name of Administrator Date Administrator SignedName of Company SponsorDate Sponsor Signed


401k plan membership statisitcs for JAY HENGES ENTERPRISES INC. FLEXIBLE BENEFIT PLAN

Measure Date Value
Total participants, beginning-of-year2023-01-01200
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002023-01-01193
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2023-01-012
Total of all active and inactive participants2023-01-01195
Total participants2023-01-01195
Total participants, beginning-of-year2022-01-01200
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002022-01-01200
Total of all active and inactive participants2022-01-01200
Total participants2022-01-01200
Total participants, beginning-of-year2021-01-01206
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002021-01-01200
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2021-01-010
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2021-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2021-01-01200
Total participants2021-01-01200
Total participants, beginning-of-year2020-01-01199
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002020-01-01205
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2020-01-011
Total of all active and inactive participants2020-01-01206
Total participants2020-01-01206
Total participants, beginning-of-year2019-01-01199
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002019-01-01199
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2019-01-011
Total of all active and inactive participants2019-01-01200
Total participants2019-01-01200
Total participants, beginning-of-year2018-01-01186
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002018-01-01197
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2018-01-011
Total of all active and inactive participants2018-01-01198
Number of deceased participants whose beneficiaries are receiving or are entitled to receive benefits2018-01-011
Total participants2018-01-01199
Total participants, beginning-of-year2017-01-01182
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002017-01-01185
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2017-01-011
Total of all active and inactive participants2017-01-01186
Total participants2017-01-01186
Total participants, beginning-of-year2016-01-01166
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002016-01-01182
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2016-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2016-01-01182
Number of deceased participants whose beneficiaries are receiving or are entitled to receive benefits2016-01-010
Total participants2016-01-01182
Total participants, beginning-of-year2015-01-01184
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002015-01-01164
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2015-01-011
Total of all active and inactive participants2015-01-01165
Number of deceased participants whose beneficiaries are receiving or are entitled to receive benefits2015-01-011
Total participants2015-01-01166
Total participants, beginning-of-year2014-01-01169
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002014-01-01180
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2014-01-014
Total of all active and inactive participants2014-01-01184
Total participants2014-01-01184
Total participants, beginning-of-year2013-01-01161
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002013-01-01166
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2013-01-013
Total of all active and inactive participants2013-01-01169
Total participants2013-01-01169
Total participants, beginning-of-year2012-01-01170
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002012-01-01159
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2012-01-012
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2012-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2012-01-01161
Total participants2012-01-01161
Total participants, beginning-of-year2011-01-01153
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002011-01-01167
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2011-01-013
Total of all active and inactive participants2011-01-01170
Total participants2011-01-01170
Total participants, beginning-of-year2010-01-01139
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002010-01-01149
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2010-01-014
Total of all active and inactive participants2010-01-01153
Total participants2010-01-01153
Total participants, beginning-of-year2009-01-01187
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002009-01-01139
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2009-01-018
Total of all active and inactive participants2009-01-01147
Total participants2009-01-01147


2023-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2023-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2023-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2023-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2023-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2023-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2023-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2023-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2023-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2022-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2022-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2022-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2022-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2022-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2022-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2022-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2022-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2022-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2021-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2021-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2021-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2021-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2021-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2021-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2021-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2021-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2021-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2020-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2020-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2020-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2020-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2020-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2020-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2020-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2020-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2020-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2019-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2019-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2019-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2019-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2019-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2019-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2019-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2019-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2019-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2018-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2018-01-01First time form 5500 has been submittedYes
2018-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2018-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2018-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2018-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2018-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2018-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2018-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2018-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2017-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2017-01-01First time form 5500 has been submittedYes
2017-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2017-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2017-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2017-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2017-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2017-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2017-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2017-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2016-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2016-01-01First time form 5500 has been submittedYes
2016-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2016-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2016-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2016-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2016-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2016-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2016-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2016-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2015-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2015-01-01First time form 5500 has been submittedYes
2015-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2015-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2015-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2015-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2015-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2015-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2015-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2015-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2014-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2014-01-01First time form 5500 has been submittedYes
2014-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2014-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2014-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2014-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2014-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2014-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2014-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2014-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2013-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2013-01-01First time form 5500 has been submittedYes
2013-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2013-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2013-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2013-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2013-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2013-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2013-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2013-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2012-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2012-01-01First time form 5500 has been submittedYes
2012-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2012-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2012-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2012-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2012-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2012-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2011-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2011-01-01First time form 5500 has been submittedYes
2011-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2011-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2011-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2011-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2011-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2011-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2010-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2010-01-01First time form 5500 has been submittedYes
2010-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2010-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2010-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2010-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2010-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2010-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2009-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2009-01-01First time form 5500 has been submittedYes
2009-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2009-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2009-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2009-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2009-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2009-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes

Insurance Providers Used on plan

MUTUAL OF OMAHA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 69868 )
Policy contract numberG000BDYM
Policy instance 8
Insurance contract or identification numberG000BDYM
Number of Individuals Covered61
Insurance policy start date2022-09-01
Insurance policy end date2023-09-01
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedLIFE AD&D VOLUNTARY
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $37,401
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
STHEALTH/CHARTIS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 54161 )
Policy contract number417005413586
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number417005413586
Number of Individuals Covered166
Insurance policy start date2022-09-01
Insurance policy end date2023-09-01
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $340,683
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
MUTUAL OF OMAHA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 69868 )
Policy contract numberG000BDYM
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification numberG000BDYM
Number of Individuals Covered162
Insurance policy start date2022-09-01
Insurance policy end date2023-09-01
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $75,836
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
MUTUAL OF OMAHA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 69868 )
Policy contract numberG000BDYM
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification numberG000BDYM
Number of Individuals Covered134
Insurance policy start date2022-09-01
Insurance policy end date2023-09-01
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $12,428
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
MUTUAL OF OMAHA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 69868 )
Policy contract numberG000BDYM
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification numberG000BDYM
Number of Individuals Covered100
Insurance policy start date2022-09-01
Insurance policy end date2023-09-01
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $25,109
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
MUTUAL OF OMAHA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 69868 )
Policy contract numberG000BDYM
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification numberG000BDYM
Number of Individuals Covered193
Insurance policy start date2022-09-01
Insurance policy end date2023-09-01
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $12,430
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
MUTUAL OF OMAHA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 69868 )
Policy contract numberG000BDYM
Policy instance 6
Insurance contract or identification numberG000BDYM
Number of Individuals Covered73
Insurance policy start date2022-09-01
Insurance policy end date2023-09-01
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $27,407
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
MUTUAL OF OMAHA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 69868 )
Policy contract numberG000BDYM
Policy instance 7
Insurance contract or identification numberG000BDYM
Number of Individuals Covered106
Insurance policy start date2022-09-01
Insurance policy end date2023-09-01
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedACCIDENT ONLY
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $20,659
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
PAN-AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 67539 )
Policy contract number417004413586
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number417004413586
Number of Individuals Covered171
Insurance policy start date2021-09-01
Insurance policy end date2022-09-01
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $327,943
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
DELTA DENTAL OF MISSOURI (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 55697 )
Policy contract number09161201
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number09161201
Number of Individuals Covered144
Insurance policy start date2021-09-01
Insurance policy end date2022-08-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $30,389
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Insurance broker organization code?3
ADVANTICA INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 12278 )
Policy contract number16091801
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number16091801
Number of Individuals Covered221
Insurance policy start date2021-09-01
Insurance policy end date2022-08-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $13,261
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Insurance broker organization code?3
MUTUAL OF OMAHA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 69868 )
Policy contract numberG000BDYM
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification numberG000BDYM
Number of Individuals Covered92
Insurance policy start date2021-09-01
Insurance policy end date2022-09-01
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $1,008
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $24,261
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Amount paid for insurance broker fees1008
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerOTHER COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
MUTUAL OF OMAHA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 69868 )
Policy contract numberG000BDYM
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification numberG000BDYM
Number of Individuals Covered200
Insurance policy start date2021-09-01
Insurance policy end date2022-09-01
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $539
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $12,923
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Amount paid for insurance broker fees539
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerOTHER COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
MUTUAL OF OMAHA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 69868 )
Policy contract numberG000BDYM
Policy instance 6
Insurance contract or identification numberG000BDYM
Number of Individuals Covered84
Insurance policy start date2021-09-01
Insurance policy end date2022-09-01
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $1,064
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $27,506
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Amount paid for insurance broker fees1064
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerOTHER COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
MUTUAL OF OMAHA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 69868 )
Policy contract numberG000BDYM
Policy instance 7
Insurance contract or identification numberG000BDYM
Number of Individuals Covered74
Insurance policy start date2021-09-01
Insurance policy end date2022-09-01
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $1,620
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedLIFE & AD&D VOLUNTARY
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $40,736
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Amount paid for insurance broker fees1620
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerOTHER COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
PAN-AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 67539 )
Policy contract number417004413586
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number417004413586
Number of Individuals Covered167
Insurance policy start date2020-09-01
Insurance policy end date2021-09-01
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $313,400
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
DELTA DENTAL OF MISSOURI (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 55697 )
Policy contract number09161200
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number09161200
Number of Individuals Covered282
Insurance policy start date2020-09-01
Insurance policy end date2021-08-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $82,066
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Insurance broker organization code?3
ADVANTICA INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 12278 )
Policy contract number16091801
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number16091801
Number of Individuals Covered197
Insurance policy start date2020-09-01
Insurance policy end date2021-08-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $13,287
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Insurance broker organization code?3
MUTUAL OF OMAHA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 69868 )
Policy contract numberG000BDYM
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification numberG000BDYM
Number of Individuals Covered100
Insurance policy start date2020-09-01
Insurance policy end date2021-09-01
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $1,542
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $25,627
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Amount paid for insurance broker fees1542
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerOTHER COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
MUTUAL OF OMAHA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 69868 )
Policy contract numberG000BDYM
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification numberG000BDYM
Number of Individuals Covered200
Insurance policy start date2020-09-01
Insurance policy end date2021-09-01
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $839
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $13,842
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Amount paid for insurance broker fees839
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerOTHER COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
MUTUAL OF OMAHA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 69868 )
Policy contract numberG000BDYM
Policy instance 6
Insurance contract or identification numberG000BDYM
Number of Individuals Covered79
Insurance policy start date2020-09-01
Insurance policy end date2021-09-01
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $1,722
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $27,036
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Amount paid for insurance broker fees1722
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerOTHER COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
MUTUAL OF OMAHA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 69868 )
Policy contract numberG000BDYM
Policy instance 7
Insurance contract or identification numberG000BDYM
Number of Individuals Covered69
Insurance policy start date2020-09-01
Insurance policy end date2021-09-01
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $2,385
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedLIFE & AD&D VOLUNTARY
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $41,228
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Amount paid for insurance broker fees2385
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerOTHER COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
DELTA DENTAL OF MISSOURI (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 55697 )
Policy contract number09161200
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number09161200
Number of Individuals Covered288
Insurance policy start date2019-09-01
Insurance policy end date2020-08-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $81,126
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Insurance broker organization code?3
US FIRE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 21113 )
Policy contract number417003413586
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number417003413586
Number of Individuals Covered174
Insurance policy start date2019-09-01
Insurance policy end date2020-09-01
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $261,287
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
ADVANTICA INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 12278 )
Policy contract number16091801
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number16091801
Number of Individuals Covered199
Insurance policy start date2019-09-01
Insurance policy end date2020-08-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $12,552
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Insurance broker organization code?3
MUTUAL OF OMAHA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 69868 )
Policy contract numberG000BDYM
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification numberG000BDYM
Number of Individuals Covered205
Insurance policy start date2019-09-01
Insurance policy end date2020-09-01
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $0
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $829
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $13,872
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $0
Amount paid for insurance broker fees829
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerOTHER COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
MUTUAL OF OMAHA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 69868 )
Policy contract numberG000BDYM
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification numberG000BDYM
Number of Individuals Covered106
Insurance policy start date2019-09-01
Insurance policy end date2020-09-01
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $1,525
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $25,533
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Amount paid for insurance broker fees1525
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerOTHER COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
MUTUAL OF OMAHA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 69868 )
Policy contract numberG000BDYM
Policy instance 6
Insurance contract or identification numberG000BDYM
Number of Individuals Covered78
Insurance policy start date2019-09-01
Insurance policy end date2020-09-01
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $2,325
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedLIFE & AD&D VOLUNTARY
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $38,751
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Amount paid for insurance broker fees2325
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerOTHER COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
MUTUAL OF OMAHA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 69868 )
Policy contract numberG000BDYM
Policy instance 7
Insurance contract or identification numberG000BDYM
Number of Individuals Covered88
Insurance policy start date2019-09-01
Insurance policy end date2020-09-01
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $1,816
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $29,306
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Amount paid for insurance broker fees1816
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerOTHER COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
MUTUAL OF OMAHA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 69868 )
Policy contract numberG000BDYM
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification numberG000BDYM
Number of Individuals Covered199
Insurance policy start date2018-09-01
Insurance policy end date2019-09-01
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $747
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $13,860
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Amount paid for insurance broker fees747
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerOTHER COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
UNITED OF OMAHA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 69868 )
Policy contract numberG000BDYM
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification numberG000BDYM
Number of Individuals Covered107
Insurance policy start date2018-09-01
Insurance policy end date2019-09-01
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $1,316
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $25,266
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Amount paid for insurance broker fees1316
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerOTHER COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
MUTUAL OF OMAHA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 69868 )
Policy contract numberG000BDYM
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification numberG000BDYM
Number of Individuals Covered87
Insurance policy start date2018-09-01
Insurance policy end date2019-09-01
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $2,105
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedLIFE & ADD VOLUNTARY
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $38,772
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Amount paid for insurance broker fees2105
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerOTHER COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
MUTUAL OF OMAHA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 69868 )
Policy contract numberG000BDYM
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification numberG000BDYM
Number of Individuals Covered98
Insurance policy start date2018-09-01
Insurance policy end date2019-09-01
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $1,664
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $30,735
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Amount paid for insurance broker fees1664
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerOTHER COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
DELTA DENTAL OF MISSOURI (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 55697 )
Policy contract number09161200
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification number09161200
Number of Individuals Covered294
Insurance policy start date2018-09-01
Insurance policy end date2019-08-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $242
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $87,604
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $0
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerNA
Insurance broker organization code?3
HCC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 92711 )
Policy contract number417002413586
Policy instance 6
Insurance contract or identification number417002413586
Number of Individuals Covered174
Insurance policy start date2018-09-01
Insurance policy end date2019-09-01
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $251,005
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
CHARTIS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 66842 )
Policy contract number9556
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number9556
Number of Individuals Covered172
Insurance policy start date2017-09-01
Insurance policy end date2018-08-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $33,336
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $370,395
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $22,224
Insurance broker organization code?3
DELTA DENTAL OF MISSOURI (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 55697 )
Policy contract number09161200
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number09161200
Number of Individuals Covered311
Insurance policy start date2017-09-01
Insurance policy end date2018-08-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $8,608
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $78,936
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $7,831
Amount paid for insurance broker fees777
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerBROKER BONUS
Insurance broker organization code?3
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number000010117680
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number000010117680
Number of Individuals Covered113
Insurance policy start date2017-09-01
Insurance policy end date2018-08-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $4,327
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $1,084
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $28,844
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $377
Insurance broker organization code?3
Amount paid for insurance broker fees1084
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerBROKER BONUS
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number000010117679000
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number000010117679000
Number of Individuals Covered210
Insurance policy start date2017-09-01
Insurance policy end date2018-08-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $2,733
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $686
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $18,222
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $241
Insurance broker organization code?3
Amount paid for insurance broker fees686
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerBROKER BONUS
DELTA DENTAL OF MISSOURI (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 55697 )
Policy contract number09161200
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number09161200
Number of Individuals Covered269
Insurance policy start date2016-09-01
Insurance policy end date2017-08-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $7,320
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $83,825
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $7,035
Amount paid for insurance broker fees284
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerBROKER BONUS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameMARSH USA INC
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number000010117680
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number000010117680
Number of Individuals Covered101
Insurance policy start date2016-09-01
Insurance policy end date2017-08-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $3,931
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $733
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $26,210
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $3,931
Amount paid for insurance broker fees733
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerBROKER BONUS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameMARSH & MCLENNAN AGENCY
CHARTIS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 66842 )
Policy contract number9556
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number9556
Number of Individuals Covered158
Insurance policy start date2016-09-01
Insurance policy end date2017-08-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $31,153
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $380,371
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $10,384
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameJ W TERRELL
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number000010117679000
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number000010117679000
Number of Individuals Covered175
Insurance policy start date2016-09-01
Insurance policy end date2017-08-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $2,523
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $436
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $16,817
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $2,523
Amount paid for insurance broker fees436
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerBROKER BONUS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameMARSH & MCCLENNAN AGENCY LLC
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number000010163885
Policy instance 6
Insurance contract or identification number000010163885
Number of Individuals Covered28
Insurance policy start date2014-09-01
Insurance policy end date2015-08-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,173
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $7,817
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,173
Amount paid for insurance broker fees106
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerBROKER BONUS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameJ W TERRILL BENEFIT SVCS INC
UNITEDHEALTHCARE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 79413 )
Policy contract number0742786
Policy instance 7
Insurance contract or identification number0742786
Number of Individuals Covered97
Insurance policy start date2014-09-01
Insurance policy end date2015-08-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $0
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $6,879
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number000010117680
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number000010117680
Number of Individuals Covered89
Insurance policy start date2014-09-01
Insurance policy end date2015-08-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $3,132
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $20,879
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $3,132
Amount paid for insurance broker fees294
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerBROKER BONUS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameJ W TERRILL BENEFIT SVCS INC
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number000010117679
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number000010117679
Number of Individuals Covered162
Insurance policy start date2014-09-01
Insurance policy end date2015-08-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $2,016
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $13,440
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $2,016
Amount paid for insurance broker fees206
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerBROKER BONUS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameJ W TERRILL BENEFIT SVCS INC
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number00001D024668
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number00001D024668
Number of Individuals Covered104
Insurance policy start date2014-09-01
Insurance policy end date2015-08-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $2,888
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $68,047
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $2,888
Amount paid for insurance broker fees494
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerBROKER BONUS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameJ W TERRILL BENEFIT SVCS INC.
COMPANION LIFE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 77828 )
Policy contract number9556
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number9556
Number of Individuals Covered138
Insurance policy start date2014-09-01
Insurance policy end date2015-08-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $31,887
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $2,136
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $330,515
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $9,915
Insurance broker organization code?3
Amount paid for insurance broker fees2136
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerBROKER SERVICE FEE
Insurance broker nameJ. W. TERRILL
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number000400001000
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification number000400001000
Number of Individuals Covered23
Insurance policy start date2014-09-01
Insurance policy end date2015-08-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,824
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedVOLUNTARY LIFE INSURANCE
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $12,157
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,824
Amount paid for insurance broker fees173
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerBROKER BONUS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameJ W TERRILL BENEFIT SVCS INC
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number000010163885
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification number000010163885
Number of Individuals Covered27
Insurance policy start date2013-08-01
Insurance policy end date2014-07-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $994
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $6,629
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $994
Amount paid for insurance broker fees195
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerBROKER BONUS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameJ W TERRILL BENEFIT SVCS INC
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number000010117680
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number000010117680
Number of Individuals Covered89
Insurance policy start date2013-08-01
Insurance policy end date2014-07-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,889
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $18,885
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,889
Amount paid for insurance broker fees662
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerBROKER BONUS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameJ W TERRILL BENEFIT SVCS INC
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number000010117679
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number000010117679
Number of Individuals Covered171
Insurance policy start date2013-08-01
Insurance policy end date2014-07-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,352
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $13,525
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,352
Amount paid for insurance broker fees508
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerBROKER BONUS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameJ W TERRILL BENEFIT SVCS INC
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number000400001000102
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number000400001000102
Number of Individuals Covered25
Insurance policy start date2013-08-01
Insurance policy end date2014-07-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,660
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedVOL LIFE, VOL SPOUSE LIFE, VOL CHILD LIFE
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $11,066
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,660
Amount paid for insurance broker fees411
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerBROKER BONUS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameJ W TERRILL BENEFIT SVCS INC
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number00001D024668
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number00001D024668
Number of Individuals Covered106
Insurance policy start date2013-08-01
Insurance policy end date2014-07-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $106
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $64,712
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $2,863
Amount paid for insurance broker fees58
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerBROKER BONUS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameJ W TERRILL BENEFIT SVCS INC
COMPANION LIFE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 77828 )
Policy contract number9556
Policy instance 6
Insurance contract or identification number9556
Number of Individuals Covered144
Insurance policy start date2013-09-01
Insurance policy end date2014-08-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $36,091
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $2,181
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $226,072
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $11,304
Insurance broker organization code?3
Amount paid for insurance broker fees2181
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerBROKER SERVICE FEE
Insurance broker nameJ W TERRILL BENEFIT SVCS INC
UNITEDHEALTHCARE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 79413 )
Policy contract number0742786
Policy instance 7
Insurance contract or identification number0742786
Number of Individuals Covered5
Insurance policy start date2013-09-01
Insurance policy end date2014-08-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $52
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $7,223
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $52
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameJ W TERRILL INC
CONVENTRY HEALTH AND LIFE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 81973 )
Policy contract number6392310000
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number6392310000
Number of Individuals Covered244
Insurance policy start date2012-09-01
Insurance policy end date2013-08-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $22,481
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $749,373
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $22,481
Insurance broker organization code?3
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number00001D024668
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number00001D024668
Number of Individuals Covered102
Insurance policy start date2012-09-01
Insurance policy end date2013-08-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $3,190
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $62,393
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $3,190
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameJ W TERRILL BENEFIT SVCS INC
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number000010117679
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number000010117679
Number of Individuals Covered140
Insurance policy start date2012-08-01
Insurance policy end date2013-07-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,248
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $12,476
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,248
Amount paid for insurance broker fees309
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerBONUS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameJ W TERRILL BENEFIT SCVS INC
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number00400001000
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number00400001000
Number of Individuals Covered26
Insurance policy start date2012-08-01
Insurance policy end date2013-07-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,625
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $10,832
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,625
Amount paid for insurance broker fees206
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerBONUS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameJ W TERRILL BENEFIT SVCS INC
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number000010117680
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification number000010117680
Number of Individuals Covered84
Insurance policy start date2012-08-01
Insurance policy end date2013-07-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,740
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $17,396
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,740
Amount paid for insurance broker fees396
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerBONUS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameJ W TERRILL BENEFIT SVCS INC.
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number000010163885
Policy instance 6
Insurance contract or identification number000010163885
Number of Individuals Covered20
Insurance policy start date2012-09-01
Insurance policy end date2013-08-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $669
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $4,460
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $669
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameJ W TERRILL BENEFIT SVCS INC.
UNITEDHEALTHCARE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 79413 )
Policy contract number0742786
Policy instance 7
Insurance contract or identification number0742786
Number of Individuals Covered93
Insurance policy start date2012-09-01
Insurance policy end date2013-08-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $645
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $6,800
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $64
Amount paid for insurance broker fees140
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerBONUS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameJ W TERRILL BENEFIT SVCS INC.
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number000010117679
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification number000010117679
Number of Individuals Covered154
Insurance policy start date2011-08-01
Insurance policy end date2012-07-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,914
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $12,762
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,914
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameJ W TERRILL BENEFIT SVCS INC
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number000010117680
Policy instance 6
Insurance contract or identification number000010117680
Number of Individuals Covered82
Insurance policy start date2011-08-01
Insurance policy end date2012-07-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $2,445
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $16,302
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $2,445
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameJ W TERRILL BENEFIT SVCS INC
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number00400001000
Policy instance 7
Insurance contract or identification number00400001000
Number of Individuals Covered29
Insurance policy start date2011-08-01
Insurance policy end date2012-07-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,457
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $9,712
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,457
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameJ W TERRILL BENEFIT SVCS INC
UNITEDHEALTHCARE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 79413 )
Policy contract number742786
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number742786
Number of Individuals Covered244
Insurance policy start date2011-09-01
Insurance policy end date2012-08-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $24,414
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $797,973
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?Yes
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $24,414
Amount paid for insurance broker fees11093
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerBONUS
Insurance broker organization code?3
THE GUARDIAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 64246 )
Policy contract number00470115
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number00470115
Number of Individuals Covered104
Insurance policy start date2011-09-01
Insurance policy end date2012-08-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $5,767
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $57,524
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?Yes
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $5,732
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameDAVID G. BOYKIN
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number00001D024668
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number00001D024668
Number of Individuals Covered100
Insurance policy start date2012-09-01
Insurance policy end date2012-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,774
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $19,672
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,774
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameJ W TERRILL BENEFIT SVCS INC.
CONVENTRY HEALTH AND LIFE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 81973 )
Policy contract number6392310000
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number6392310000
Number of Individuals Covered244
Insurance policy start date2012-09-01
Insurance policy end date2012-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $9,714
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $323,786
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $9,714
Insurance broker organization code?3
DELTA DENTAL OF MISSOURI (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 55697 )
Policy contract number1650-1035
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number1650-1035
Number of Individuals Covered158
Insurance policy start date2010-08-01
Insurance policy end date2011-07-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $2,282
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $45,638
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number000010117679
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number000010117679
Number of Individuals Covered144
Insurance policy start date2010-08-01
Insurance policy end date2011-07-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,827
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $240
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $12,183
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
MERCY HEALTH PLANS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95309 )
Policy contract numberARA0019160
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification numberARA0019160
Number of Individuals Covered232
Insurance policy start date2010-08-10
Insurance policy end date2011-07-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $33,557
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $745,711
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
MERCY HEALTH PLANS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95309 )
Policy contract numberARA0060019
Policy instance 6
Insurance contract or identification numberARA0060019
Number of Individuals Covered5
Insurance policy start date2011-08-01
Insurance policy end date2011-08-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $15
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,228
MERCY HEALTH PLANS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95309 )
Policy contract numberARA0060017
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification numberARA0060017
Number of Individuals Covered230
Insurance policy start date2011-08-01
Insurance policy end date2011-08-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $787
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $62,925
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
MERCY HEALTH PLANS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95309 )
Policy contract numberARA0046155
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification numberARA0046155
Number of Individuals Covered6
Insurance policy start date2010-08-01
Insurance policy end date2011-07-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $964
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $21,430
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedACCIDENT
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,418
Insurance broker organization code?3
HARTFORD LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 70815 )
Policy contract number862244G
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number862244G
Number of Individuals Covered182
Insurance policy start date2009-08-01
Insurance policy end date2010-07-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $0
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $3,403
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number000010117679
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number000010117679
Number of Individuals Covered129
Insurance policy start date2009-08-01
Insurance policy end date2010-07-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,830
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $96
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $12,198
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,830
Amount paid for insurance broker fees96
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerBROKER BONUS
Insurance broker organization code?3
DELTA DENTAL OF MISSOURI (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 55697 )
Policy contract number1650-1035
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number1650-1035
Number of Individuals Covered158
Insurance policy start date2009-08-01
Insurance policy end date2010-07-31
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $59,732
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $3,683
Amount paid for insurance broker fees1045
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerDELTA REWARDS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameJ W TERRILL BENEFIT SERVICE
MERCY HEALTH PLANS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95309 )
Policy contract numberARA0019160
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification numberARA0019160
Number of Individuals Covered237
Insurance policy start date2009-08-01
Insurance policy end date2010-07-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $32,972
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $732,713
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $32,972
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameJ W TERRILL BENEFIT SERVICE

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