SEI TRUST COMPANY has sponsored the creation of one or more 401k plans.
Submission information for form 5500 for 401k plan FIERA ASSET MANAGEMENT USA COLLECTIVE TRUST
Measure | Date | Value |
2023 : FIERA ASSET MANAGEMENT USA COLLECTIVE TRUST 2023 401k financial data |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of other (non real estate) assets | 2023-03-31 | $-42,282,000 |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2023-03-31 | $-42,282,000 |
Total transfer of assets to this plan | 2023-03-31 | $91,958,000 |
Total transfer of assets from this plan | 2023-03-31 | $57,634,000 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2023-03-31 | $532,000 |
Total liabilities at beginning of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2023-03-31 | $1,097,000 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2023-03-31 | $2,508,000 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2023-03-31 | $26,683,000 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2023-03-31 | $5,784,000 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2023-03-31 | $1,134,512,000 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2023-03-31 | $1,104,029,000 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2023-03-31 | $5,784,000 |
Total interest from all sources | 2023-03-31 | $69,000 |
Total dividends received (eg from common stock, registered investment company shares) | 2023-03-31 | $18,596,000 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at end of year | 2023-03-31 | $79,000 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at beginning of year | 2023-03-31 | $4,550,000 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at end of year | 2023-03-31 | $5,307,000 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at beginning of year | 2023-03-31 | $4,257,000 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at end of year | 2023-03-31 | $532,000 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at beginning of year | 2023-03-31 | $1,097,000 |
Other income not declared elsewhere | 2023-03-31 | $-558,000 |
Administrative expenses (other) incurred | 2023-03-31 | $5,784,000 |
Value of net income/loss | 2023-03-31 | $-3,276,000 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2023-03-31 | $1,133,980,000 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2023-03-31 | $1,102,932,000 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at end of year | 2023-03-31 | $4,546,000 |
Interest-bearing cash (include money market accounts & certificates of deposit) at beginning of the Year | 2023-03-31 | $2,664,000 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at beginning of year | 2023-03-31 | $2,664,000 |
Interest earned from interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposit) | 2023-03-31 | $69,000 |
Income. Dividends from common stock | 2023-03-31 | $18,596,000 |
Assets. Corporate common stocks other than exployer securities at end of year | 2023-03-31 | $1,124,580,000 |
Assets. Corporate common stocks other than exployer securities at beginning of year | 2023-03-31 | $1,092,558,000 |
Aggregate proceeds on sale of assets | 2023-03-31 | $94,696,000 |
Aggregate carrying amount (costs) on sale of assets | 2023-03-31 | $68,013,000 |
2022 : FIERA ASSET MANAGEMENT USA COLLECTIVE TRUST 2022 401k financial data |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of other (non real estate) assets | 2022-03-31 | $27,247,000 |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2022-03-31 | $27,247,000 |
Total transfer of assets to this plan | 2022-03-31 | $95,591,000 |
Total transfer of assets from this plan | 2022-03-31 | $17,605,000 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2022-03-31 | $1,097,000 |
Total liabilities at beginning of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2022-03-31 | $483,000 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2022-03-31 | $64,990,000 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2022-03-31 | $22,187,000 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2022-03-31 | $6,347,000 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2022-03-31 | $1,104,029,000 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2022-03-31 | $966,786,000 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2022-03-31 | $6,347,000 |
Total interest from all sources | 2022-03-31 | $45,000 |
Total dividends received (eg from common stock, registered investment company shares) | 2022-03-31 | $15,681,000 |
Assets. Corporate prefeered stocks other than exployer securities at beginning of year | 2022-03-31 | $7,155,000 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at end of year | 2022-03-31 | $4,550,000 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at beginning of year | 2022-03-31 | $3,607,000 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at end of year | 2022-03-31 | $4,257,000 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at beginning of year | 2022-03-31 | $5,598,000 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at end of year | 2022-03-31 | $1,097,000 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at beginning of year | 2022-03-31 | $483,000 |
Other income not declared elsewhere | 2022-03-31 | $-170,000 |
Value of net income/loss | 2022-03-31 | $58,643,000 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2022-03-31 | $1,102,932,000 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2022-03-31 | $966,303,000 |
Investment advisory and management fees | 2022-03-31 | $6,347,000 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at end of year | 2022-03-31 | $2,664,000 |
Interest-bearing cash (include money market accounts & certificates of deposit) at beginning of the Year | 2022-03-31 | $611,000 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at beginning of year | 2022-03-31 | $611,000 |
Interest earned from interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposit) | 2022-03-31 | $45,000 |
Income. Dividends from preferred stock | 2022-03-31 | $117,000 |
Income. Dividends from common stock | 2022-03-31 | $15,564,000 |
Assets. Corporate common stocks other than exployer securities at end of year | 2022-03-31 | $1,092,558,000 |
Assets. Corporate common stocks other than exployer securities at beginning of year | 2022-03-31 | $949,815,000 |
Aggregate proceeds on sale of assets | 2022-03-31 | $56,353,000 |
Aggregate carrying amount (costs) on sale of assets | 2022-03-31 | $34,166,000 |
2021 : FIERA ASSET MANAGEMENT USA COLLECTIVE TRUST 2021 401k financial data |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of other (non real estate) assets | 2021-03-31 | $254,879,000 |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2021-03-31 | $254,879,000 |
Total transfer of assets to this plan | 2021-03-31 | $40,943,000 |
Total transfer of assets from this plan | 2021-03-31 | $110,001,000 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2021-03-31 | $483,000 |
Total liabilities at beginning of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2021-03-31 | $1,875,000 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2021-03-31 | $308,350,000 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2021-03-31 | $40,670,000 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2021-03-31 | $4,906,000 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2021-03-31 | $966,786,000 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2021-03-31 | $733,792,000 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2021-03-31 | $4,906,000 |
Total interest from all sources | 2021-03-31 | $48,000 |
Total dividends received (eg from common stock, registered investment company shares) | 2021-03-31 | $12,501,000 |
Assets. Corporate prefeered stocks other than exployer securities at end of year | 2021-03-31 | $7,155,000 |
Assets. Corporate prefeered stocks other than exployer securities at beginning of year | 2021-03-31 | $8,293,000 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at end of year | 2021-03-31 | $3,607,000 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at beginning of year | 2021-03-31 | $4,684,000 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at end of year | 2021-03-31 | $5,598,000 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at beginning of year | 2021-03-31 | $7,805,000 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at end of year | 2021-03-31 | $483,000 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at beginning of year | 2021-03-31 | $1,875,000 |
Other income not declared elsewhere | 2021-03-31 | $252,000 |
Value of net income/loss | 2021-03-31 | $303,444,000 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2021-03-31 | $966,303,000 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2021-03-31 | $731,917,000 |
Investment advisory and management fees | 2021-03-31 | $4,906,000 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at end of year | 2021-03-31 | $611,000 |
Interest-bearing cash (include money market accounts & certificates of deposit) at beginning of the Year | 2021-03-31 | $1,728,000 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at beginning of year | 2021-03-31 | $1,728,000 |
Interest earned from interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposit) | 2021-03-31 | $48,000 |
Income. Dividends from preferred stock | 2021-03-31 | $93,000 |
Income. Dividends from common stock | 2021-03-31 | $12,408,000 |
Assets. Corporate common stocks other than exployer securities at end of year | 2021-03-31 | $949,815,000 |
Assets. Corporate common stocks other than exployer securities at beginning of year | 2021-03-31 | $711,282,000 |
Aggregate proceeds on sale of assets | 2021-03-31 | $118,188,000 |
Aggregate carrying amount (costs) on sale of assets | 2021-03-31 | $77,518,000 |
2020 : FIERA ASSET MANAGEMENT USA COLLECTIVE TRUST 2020 401k financial data |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of other (non real estate) assets | 2020-03-31 | $-51,753,000 |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2020-03-31 | $-51,753,000 |
Total transfer of assets to this plan | 2020-03-31 | $5,313,000 |
Total transfer of assets from this plan | 2020-03-31 | $73,092,000 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2020-03-31 | $1,875,000 |
Total liabilities at beginning of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2020-03-31 | $431,000 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2020-03-31 | $-9,393,000 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2020-03-31 | $27,828,000 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2020-03-31 | $4,648,000 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2020-03-31 | $733,792,000 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2020-03-31 | $814,168,000 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2020-03-31 | $4,648,000 |
Total interest from all sources | 2020-03-31 | $17,000 |
Total dividends received (eg from common stock, registered investment company shares) | 2020-03-31 | $14,441,000 |
Assets. Corporate prefeered stocks other than exployer securities at end of year | 2020-03-31 | $8,293,000 |
Assets. Corporate prefeered stocks other than exployer securities at beginning of year | 2020-03-31 | $12,324,000 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at end of year | 2020-03-31 | $4,684,000 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at beginning of year | 2020-03-31 | $2,588,000 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at end of year | 2020-03-31 | $7,805,000 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at beginning of year | 2020-03-31 | $8,874,000 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at end of year | 2020-03-31 | $1,875,000 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at beginning of year | 2020-03-31 | $431,000 |
Other income not declared elsewhere | 2020-03-31 | $74,000 |
Value of net income/loss | 2020-03-31 | $-14,041,000 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2020-03-31 | $731,917,000 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2020-03-31 | $813,737,000 |
Investment advisory and management fees | 2020-03-31 | $4,648,000 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at end of year | 2020-03-31 | $1,728,000 |
Interest-bearing cash (include money market accounts & certificates of deposit) at beginning of the Year | 2020-03-31 | $253,000 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at beginning of year | 2020-03-31 | $253,000 |
Interest earned from interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposit) | 2020-03-31 | $17,000 |
Income. Dividends from preferred stock | 2020-03-31 | $166,000 |
Income. Dividends from common stock | 2020-03-31 | $14,275,000 |
Assets. Corporate common stocks other than exployer securities at end of year | 2020-03-31 | $711,282,000 |
Assets. Corporate common stocks other than exployer securities at beginning of year | 2020-03-31 | $790,129,000 |
Aggregate proceeds on sale of assets | 2020-03-31 | $86,384,000 |
Aggregate carrying amount (costs) on sale of assets | 2020-03-31 | $58,556,000 |
2019 : FIERA ASSET MANAGEMENT USA COLLECTIVE TRUST 2019 401k financial data |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of other (non real estate) assets | 2019-03-31 | $36,725,000 |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2019-03-31 | $36,725,000 |
Total transfer of assets to this plan | 2019-03-31 | $148,001,000 |
Total transfer of assets from this plan | 2019-03-31 | $14,820,000 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2019-03-31 | $431,000 |
Total liabilities at beginning of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2019-03-31 | $2,180,000 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2019-03-31 | $50,272,000 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2019-03-31 | $-957,000 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2019-03-31 | $3,854,000 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2019-03-31 | $814,168,000 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2019-03-31 | $636,318,000 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2019-03-31 | $3,854,000 |
Total interest from all sources | 2019-03-31 | $15,000 |
Total dividends received (eg from common stock, registered investment company shares) | 2019-03-31 | $14,939,000 |
Assets. Corporate prefeered stocks other than exployer securities at end of year | 2019-03-31 | $12,324,000 |
Assets. Corporate prefeered stocks other than exployer securities at beginning of year | 2019-03-31 | $12,469,000 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at end of year | 2019-03-31 | $2,588,000 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at end of year | 2019-03-31 | $8,874,000 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at beginning of year | 2019-03-31 | $6,534,000 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at end of year | 2019-03-31 | $431,000 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at beginning of year | 2019-03-31 | $2,180,000 |
Other income not declared elsewhere | 2019-03-31 | $-450,000 |
Value of net income/loss | 2019-03-31 | $46,418,000 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2019-03-31 | $813,737,000 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2019-03-31 | $634,138,000 |
Investment advisory and management fees | 2019-03-31 | $3,854,000 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at end of year | 2019-03-31 | $253,000 |
Interest-bearing cash (include money market accounts & certificates of deposit) at beginning of the Year | 2019-03-31 | $3,539,000 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at beginning of year | 2019-03-31 | $3,539,000 |
Interest earned from interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposit) | 2019-03-31 | $15,000 |
Income. Dividends from preferred stock | 2019-03-31 | $229,000 |
Income. Dividends from common stock | 2019-03-31 | $14,710,000 |
Assets. Corporate common stocks other than exployer securities at end of year | 2019-03-31 | $790,129,000 |
Assets. Corporate common stocks other than exployer securities at beginning of year | 2019-03-31 | $613,776,000 |
Aggregate proceeds on sale of assets | 2019-03-31 | $44,957,000 |
Aggregate carrying amount (costs) on sale of assets | 2019-03-31 | $45,914,000 |
2018 : FIERA ASSET MANAGEMENT USA COLLECTIVE TRUST 2018 401k financial data |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of other (non real estate) assets | 2018-03-31 | $81,848,000 |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2018-03-31 | $81,848,000 |
Total transfer of assets to this plan | 2018-03-31 | $7,646,000 |
Total transfer of assets from this plan | 2018-03-31 | $58,982,000 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2018-03-31 | $2,180,000 |
Total liabilities at beginning of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2018-03-31 | $326,000 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2018-03-31 | $103,926,000 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2018-03-31 | $7,426,000 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2018-03-31 | $3,523,000 |
Benefit payments and payments to participlants,beneficiaries,insurance carriers and others | 2018-03-31 | $0 |
Total contributions o plan (from employers,participants, others, non cash contrinutions) | 2018-03-31 | $0 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2018-03-31 | $636,318,000 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2018-03-31 | $585,397,000 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2018-03-31 | $3,523,000 |
Total interest from all sources | 2018-03-31 | $6,000 |
Total dividends received (eg from common stock, registered investment company shares) | 2018-03-31 | $14,646,000 |
Assets. Corporate prefeered stocks other than exployer securities at end of year | 2018-03-31 | $12,469,000 |
Assets. Corporate prefeered stocks other than exployer securities at beginning of year | 2018-03-31 | $13,313,000 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at end of year | 2018-03-31 | $6,534,000 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at beginning of year | 2018-03-31 | $4,625,000 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at end of year | 2018-03-31 | $2,180,000 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at beginning of year | 2018-03-31 | $326,000 |
Value of net income/loss | 2018-03-31 | $100,403,000 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2018-03-31 | $634,138,000 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2018-03-31 | $585,071,000 |
Investment advisory and management fees | 2018-03-31 | $3,523,000 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at end of year | 2018-03-31 | $3,539,000 |
Interest-bearing cash (include money market accounts & certificates of deposit) at beginning of the Year | 2018-03-31 | $1,805,000 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at beginning of year | 2018-03-31 | $1,805,000 |
Interest earned from interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposit) | 2018-03-31 | $6,000 |
Income. Dividends from preferred stock | 2018-03-31 | $292,000 |
Income. Dividends from common stock | 2018-03-31 | $14,354,000 |
Assets. Corporate common stocks other than exployer securities at end of year | 2018-03-31 | $613,776,000 |
Assets. Corporate common stocks other than exployer securities at beginning of year | 2018-03-31 | $565,654,000 |
Aggregate proceeds on sale of assets | 2018-03-31 | $78,170,000 |
Aggregate carrying amount (costs) on sale of assets | 2018-03-31 | $70,744,000 |
2017 : FIERA ASSET MANAGEMENT USA COLLECTIVE TRUST 2017 401k financial data |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of other (non real estate) assets | 2017-03-31 | $57,429,000 |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2017-03-31 | $57,429,000 |
Total transfer of assets to this plan | 2017-03-31 | $28,368,000 |
Total transfer of assets from this plan | 2017-03-31 | $10,541,000 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2017-03-31 | $326,000 |
Total liabilities at beginning of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2017-03-31 | $295,000 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2017-03-31 | $65,324,000 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2017-03-31 | $-7,600,000 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2017-03-31 | $3,006,000 |
Benefit payments and payments to participlants,beneficiaries,insurance carriers and others | 2017-03-31 | $0 |
Total contributions o plan (from employers,participants, others, non cash contrinutions) | 2017-03-31 | $0 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2017-03-31 | $585,397,000 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2017-03-31 | $505,221,000 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2017-03-31 | $3,006,000 |
Total interest from all sources | 2017-03-31 | $2,000 |
Total dividends received (eg from common stock, registered investment company shares) | 2017-03-31 | $15,493,000 |
Assets. Corporate prefeered stocks other than exployer securities at end of year | 2017-03-31 | $13,313,000 |
Assets. Corporate prefeered stocks other than exployer securities at beginning of year | 2017-03-31 | $10,946,000 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at end of year | 2017-03-31 | $4,625,000 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at beginning of year | 2017-03-31 | $2,326,000 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at end of year | 2017-03-31 | $326,000 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at beginning of year | 2017-03-31 | $295,000 |
Value of net income/loss | 2017-03-31 | $62,318,000 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2017-03-31 | $585,071,000 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2017-03-31 | $504,926,000 |
Investment advisory and management fees | 2017-03-31 | $3,006,000 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at end of year | 2017-03-31 | $1,805,000 |
Interest-bearing cash (include money market accounts & certificates of deposit) at beginning of the Year | 2017-03-31 | $2,947,000 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at beginning of year | 2017-03-31 | $2,947,000 |
Interest earned from interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposit) | 2017-03-31 | $2,000 |
Income. Dividends from preferred stock | 2017-03-31 | $356,252 |
Income. Dividends from common stock | 2017-03-31 | $15,136,748 |
Assets. Corporate common stocks other than exployer securities at end of year | 2017-03-31 | $565,654,000 |
Assets. Corporate common stocks other than exployer securities at beginning of year | 2017-03-31 | $489,002,000 |
Aggregate proceeds on sale of assets | 2017-03-31 | $57,624,000 |
Aggregate carrying amount (costs) on sale of assets | 2017-03-31 | $65,224,000 |
2016 : FIERA ASSET MANAGEMENT USA COLLECTIVE TRUST 2016 401k financial data |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of other (non real estate) assets | 2016-03-31 | $-37,075,843 |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2016-03-31 | $-37,075,843 |
Total transfer of assets to this plan | 2016-03-31 | $552,774,362 |
Total transfer of assets from this plan | 2016-03-31 | $12,785,000 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2016-03-31 | $295,000 |
Total liabilities at beginning of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2016-03-31 | $905,154 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2016-03-31 | $-35,525,283 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2016-03-31 | $-10,316,440 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2016-03-31 | $2,858,932 |
Benefit payments and payments to participlants,beneficiaries,insurance carriers and others | 2016-03-31 | $0 |
Total contributions o plan (from employers,participants, others, non cash contrinutions) | 2016-03-31 | $0 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2016-03-31 | $505,221,000 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2016-03-31 | $4,226,007 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2016-03-31 | $2,858,932 |
Total interest from all sources | 2016-03-31 | $1,000 |
Total dividends received (eg from common stock, registered investment company shares) | 2016-03-31 | $11,866,000 |
Assets. Corporate prefeered stocks other than exployer securities at end of year | 2016-03-31 | $10,946,000 |
Assets. Corporate prefeered stocks other than exployer securities at beginning of year | 2016-03-31 | $0 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at end of year | 2016-03-31 | $2,326,000 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at beginning of year | 2016-03-31 | $0 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at end of year | 2016-03-31 | $295,000 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at beginning of year | 2016-03-31 | $905,154 |
Value of net income/loss | 2016-03-31 | $-38,384,215 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2016-03-31 | $504,926,000 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2016-03-31 | $3,320,853 |
Investment advisory and management fees | 2016-03-31 | $2,858,932 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at end of year | 2016-03-31 | $2,947,000 |
Interest-bearing cash (include money market accounts & certificates of deposit) at beginning of the Year | 2016-03-31 | $933,147 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at beginning of year | 2016-03-31 | $933,147 |
Interest earned from interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposit) | 2016-03-31 | $1,000 |
Income. Dividends from preferred stock | 2016-03-31 | $259,797 |
Income. Dividends from common stock | 2016-03-31 | $11,606,203 |
Assets. Corporate common stocks other than exployer securities at end of year | 2016-03-31 | $489,002,000 |
Assets. Corporate common stocks other than exployer securities at beginning of year | 2016-03-31 | $3,292,860 |
Aggregate proceeds on sale of assets | 2016-03-31 | $56,400,000 |
Aggregate carrying amount (costs) on sale of assets | 2016-03-31 | $66,716,440 |
2015 : FIERA ASSET MANAGEMENT USA COLLECTIVE TRUST 2015 401k financial data |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of other (non real estate) assets | 2015-03-31 | $-23,157 |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2015-03-31 | $-23,157 |
Total transfer of assets to this plan | 2015-03-31 | $3,352,638 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2015-03-31 | $905,154 |
Total liabilities at beginning of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2015-03-31 | $0 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2015-03-31 | $-31,717 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2015-03-31 | $-8,560 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2015-03-31 | $68 |
Benefit payments and payments to participlants,beneficiaries,insurance carriers and others | 2015-03-31 | $0 |
Total contributions o plan (from employers,participants, others, non cash contrinutions) | 2015-03-31 | $0 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2015-03-31 | $4,226,007 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2015-03-31 | $0 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2015-03-31 | $68 |
Total interest from all sources | 2015-03-31 | $0 |
Total dividends received (eg from common stock, registered investment company shares) | 2015-03-31 | $0 |
Administrative expenses professional fees incurred | 2015-03-31 | $64 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at end of year | 2015-03-31 | $905,154 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at beginning of year | 2015-03-31 | $0 |
Administrative expenses (other) incurred | 2015-03-31 | $4 |
Value of net income/loss | 2015-03-31 | $-31,785 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2015-03-31 | $3,320,853 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2015-03-31 | $0 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at end of year | 2015-03-31 | $933,147 |
Interest-bearing cash (include money market accounts & certificates of deposit) at beginning of the Year | 2015-03-31 | $0 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at beginning of year | 2015-03-31 | $0 |
Assets. Corporate common stocks other than exployer securities at end of year | 2015-03-31 | $3,292,860 |
Assets. Corporate common stocks other than exployer securities at beginning of year | 2015-03-31 | $0 |
Aggregate carrying amount (costs) on sale of assets | 2015-03-31 | $8,560 |