

Plan identification number 509


401k Plan TypeWelfare Benefit
Plan Features/Benefits
  • Health (other than dental or vision)
  • Life insurance
  • Dental
  • Vision
  • Temporary disability (accident and sickness)
  • Long-term disability cover
  • Death benefits (include travel accident but not life insurance)
  • Other welfare benefit cover

401k Sponsoring company profile

AMF BOWLING CENTERS, INC. has sponsored the creation of one or more 401k plans.

Employer identification number (EIN):541221662
NAIC Classification:711210
NAIC Description: Spectator Sports

Additional information about AMF BOWLING CENTERS, INC.

Jurisdiction of Incorporation: Virginia Secretary of State
Incorporation Date: 1982-12-27
Company Identification Number: 0236997
Legal Registered Office Address: 7313 BELL CREEK ROAD

United States of America (USA)

More information about AMF BOWLING CENTERS, INC.

Form 5500 Filing Information

Submission information for form 5500 for 401k plan AMF BOWLING CENTERS, INC. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN

Plan id# Filing Submission Date Name of Administrator Date Administrator SignedName of Company SponsorDate Sponsor Signed
5092023-01-01HEATHER WEBB2024-08-13
5092022-01-01HEATHER WEBB2023-06-09
5092021-01-01HEATHER WEBB2022-07-28
5092018-01-01HEATHER WEBB HEATHER WEBB2019-07-15
5092017-01-01HEATHER WEBB HEATHER WEBB2018-07-16
5092016-01-01HEATHER WEBB HEATHER WEBB2017-07-25
5092015-01-01HEATHER WEBB HEATHER WEBB2016-07-22
5092014-01-01HEATHER WEBB HEATHER WEBB2016-07-22


401k plan membership statisitcs for AMF BOWLING CENTERS, INC. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN

Measure Date Value
Total participants, beginning-of-year2023-01-011,695
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002023-01-0111,226
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2023-01-010
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2023-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2023-01-0111,226
Number of employers contributing to the scheme2023-01-010
Total participants, beginning-of-year2022-01-011,286
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002022-01-011,695
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2022-01-010
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2022-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2022-01-011,695
Number of employers contributing to the scheme2022-01-010
Total participants, beginning-of-year2021-01-01964
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002021-01-011,296
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2021-01-0117
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2021-01-01107
Total of all active and inactive participants2021-01-011,420
Number of employers contributing to the scheme2021-01-010
Total participants, beginning-of-year2020-01-011,855
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002020-01-01976
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2020-01-0130
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2020-01-01168
Total of all active and inactive participants2020-01-011,174
Total participants, beginning-of-year2019-01-011,670
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002019-01-011,752
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2019-01-0114
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2019-01-0189
Total of all active and inactive participants2019-01-011,855
Total participants, beginning-of-year2018-01-011,609
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002018-01-011,556
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2018-01-0110
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2018-01-01103
Total of all active and inactive participants2018-01-011,669
Total participants, beginning-of-year2017-01-011,514
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002017-01-011,500
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2017-01-0123
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2017-01-0196
Total of all active and inactive participants2017-01-011,619
Number of participants with account balances2017-01-010
Participants that terminated employment during the plan year with accrued benefits that were less than 100% vested2017-01-010
Total participants, beginning-of-year2016-01-011,432
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002016-01-011,276
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2016-01-0122
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2016-01-0192
Total of all active and inactive participants2016-01-011,390
Number of deceased participants whose beneficiaries are receiving or are entitled to receive benefits2016-01-010
Total participants2016-01-011,390
Number of participants with account balances2016-01-010
Participants that terminated employment during the plan year with accrued benefits that were less than 100% vested2016-01-010
Total participants, beginning-of-year2015-01-011,458
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002015-01-011,114
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2015-01-0119
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2015-01-0185
Total of all active and inactive participants2015-01-011,218
Number of deceased participants whose beneficiaries are receiving or are entitled to receive benefits2015-01-010
Total participants2015-01-011,218
Number of participants with account balances2015-01-010
Participants that terminated employment during the plan year with accrued benefits that were less than 100% vested2015-01-010
Total participants, beginning-of-year2014-01-011,008
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002014-01-011,292
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2014-01-0131
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2014-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2014-01-011,323
Number of deceased participants whose beneficiaries are receiving or are entitled to receive benefits2014-01-010
Total participants2014-01-011,323


2023: AMF BOWLING CENTERS, INC. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN 2023 form 5500 responses
2023-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2023-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2023-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2023-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2023-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2022: AMF BOWLING CENTERS, INC. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN 2022 form 5500 responses
2022-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2022-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2022-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2022-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2022-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2021: AMF BOWLING CENTERS, INC. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN 2021 form 5500 responses
2021-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2021-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2021-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2021-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2021-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2020: AMF BOWLING CENTERS, INC. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN 2020 form 5500 responses
2020-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2020-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2020-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2020-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2020-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2020-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2020-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2020-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2020-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2019: AMF BOWLING CENTERS, INC. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN 2019 form 5500 responses
2019-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2019-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2019-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2019-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2019-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2019-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2019-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2019-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2019-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2018: AMF BOWLING CENTERS, INC. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN 2018 form 5500 responses
2018-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2018-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2018-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2018-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2018-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2018-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2018-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2018-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2018-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2017: AMF BOWLING CENTERS, INC. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN 2017 form 5500 responses
2017-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2017-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2017-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2017-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2017-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2017-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2017-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2017-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2017-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2016: AMF BOWLING CENTERS, INC. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN 2016 form 5500 responses
2016-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2016-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2016-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2016-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2016-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2016-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2016-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2016-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2016-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2015: AMF BOWLING CENTERS, INC. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN 2015 form 5500 responses
2015-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2015-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2015-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2015-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2015-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2015-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2015-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2015-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2015-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2014: AMF BOWLING CENTERS, INC. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN 2014 form 5500 responses
2014-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2014-01-01First time form 5500 has been submittedYes
2014-01-01Submission has been amendedYes
2014-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2014-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2014-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2014-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2014-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2014-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2014-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes

Insurance Providers Used on plan

STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 69019 )
Policy contract number170686
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification number170686
Number of Individuals Covered396
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $4,974
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Other welfare benefits providedACCIDENTAL DEATH AND DISMEMBERMENT
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
CAREBRIDGE CORPORATION (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract numberEAP
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification numberEAP
Number of Individuals Covered11226
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $0
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Other welfare benefits providedEMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $51,198
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberABL961634
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification numberABL961634
Number of Individuals Covered0
Insurance policy start date2022-04-01
Insurance policy end date2023-03-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $0
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Other welfare benefits providedBUSINESS TRAVEL ACCIDENT
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $0
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?Yes
UNITEDHEALTHCARE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 79413 )
Policy contract number304788
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number304788
Number of Individuals Covered601
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $53,219
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $457,966
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AMERITAS LIFE INSURANCE CORP. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 61301 )
Policy contract number351058
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number351058
Number of Individuals Covered3656
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $0
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $143,174
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberABL961634
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification numberABL961634
Number of Individuals Covered1695
Insurance policy start date2021-04-01
Insurance policy end date2022-03-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $2,228
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Other welfare benefits providedBUSINESS TRAVEL ACCIDENT
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $11,141
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?Yes
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $2,228
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
CAREBRIDGE CORPORATION (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract numberEAP
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification numberEAP
Number of Individuals Covered9555
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $0
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Other welfare benefits providedEMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $49,047
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?Yes
UNITEDHEALTHCARE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 79413 )
Policy contract number906034
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number906034
Number of Individuals Covered2775
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $49,631
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedACCIDENTAL DEATH AND DISMEMBERMENT
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $816,752
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $49,631
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
UNITEDHEALTHCARE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 79413 )
Policy contract number906034
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number906034
Number of Individuals Covered1109
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $48,717
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedACCIDENTAL DEATH AND DISMEMBERMENT
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $623,880
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?Yes
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $25,033
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
CAREBRIDGE CORPORATION (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract numberEAP
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification numberEAP
Number of Individuals Covered5999
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $0
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Other welfare benefits providedEMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $22,452
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberABL961634
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification numberABL961634
Insurance policy start date2020-04-01
Insurance policy end date2021-03-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $2,228
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Other welfare benefits providedBUSINESS TRAVEL ACCIDENT
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $11,141
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?Yes
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $2,228
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
GREAT MIDWEST INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 18694 )
Policy contract numberGMICMSL 2020 10
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification numberGMICMSL 2020 10
Number of Individuals Covered1016
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $0
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $28,420
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $568,397
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $0
Amount paid for insurance broker fees28420
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSERVICE FEES
Insurance broker organization code?3
TRIPLE S (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 55816 )
Policy contract numberSP0003668
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification numberSP0003668
Number of Individuals Covered3
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,372
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $0
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,372
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
UNITEDHEALTHCARE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 79413 )
Policy contract number906034
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number906034
Number of Individuals Covered1559
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $44,648
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $214,374
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $44,648
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65978 )
Policy contract number0170685
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number0170685
Number of Individuals Covered892
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $50,319
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $4,935
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedAD&D
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $264,902
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $50,319
Amount paid for insurance broker fees15
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerNON-MONETARY COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberABL961634
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification numberABL961634
Number of Individuals Covered878
Insurance policy start date2019-04-01
Insurance policy end date2020-03-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $2,228
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedAD&D (BTA)
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $11,141
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $2,228
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
UNITEDHEALTHCARE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 79413 )
Policy contract number304788
Policy instance 6
Insurance contract or identification number304788
Number of Individuals Covered288
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $37,801
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedFMLA
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $246,376
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $37,801
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
GREAT MIDWEST INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 18694 )
Policy contract numberGMICMSL 2019 10
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification numberGMICMSL 2019 10
Number of Individuals Covered1677
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $0
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $25,764
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $515,288
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $0
Amount paid for insurance broker fees25764
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSERVICE FEES
Insurance broker organization code?3
UNITEDHEALTHCARE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 79413 )
Policy contract number906034
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number906034
Number of Individuals Covered2543
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $0
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $350,702
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
TRIPLE S (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 55816 )
Policy contract numberSP0003668
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification numberSP0003668
Number of Individuals Covered5
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $2,099
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $0
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $2,099
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65978 )
Policy contract number0170685
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number0170685
Number of Individuals Covered1397
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $53,573
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $3,710
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedAD&D
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $296,096
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $53,573
Amount paid for insurance broker fees41
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerNON-MONETARY COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
UNITEDHEALTHCARE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 79413 )
Policy contract number304788
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification number304788
Number of Individuals Covered498
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $6,182
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedFMLA
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $352,961
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $6,182
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberABL961634
Policy instance 6
Insurance contract or identification numberABL961634
Number of Individuals Covered878
Insurance policy start date2018-04-01
Insurance policy end date2019-03-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,190
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedAD&D (BTA)
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $5,950
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,190
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberABL961634
Policy instance 6
Insurance contract or identification numberABL961634
Number of Individuals Covered564
Insurance policy start date2017-04-01
Insurance policy end date2018-03-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,190
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $77
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedAD&D (BTA)
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $5,950
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,190
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerOVERRIDE
UNITEDHEALTHCARE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 79413 )
Policy contract number304788
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification number304788
Number of Individuals Covered513
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $40,652
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $302,556
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $40,652
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65978 )
Policy contract number0170685
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number0170685
Number of Individuals Covered1414
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $8,377
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $45
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedAD&D
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $274,867
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $8,377
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerNON-MONETARY COMPENSATION
UNITEDHEALTHCARE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 79413 )
Policy contract number906034
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number906034
Number of Individuals Covered1572
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $51,166
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $25,533
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $856,369
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $51,166
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerBONUS
TRIPLE S (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 55816 )
Policy contract numberSP0003668
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification numberSP0003668
Number of Individuals Covered6
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $2,071
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $0
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $2,071
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
UNITEDHEALTHCARE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 79413 )
Policy contract number600615
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number600615
Number of Individuals Covered1570
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $0
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $627,377
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
TRIPLE S (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 55816 )
Policy contract numberSP0003668
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification numberSP0003668
Number of Individuals Covered7
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $2,041
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $0
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $2,041
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
UNITEDHEALTHCARE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 79413 )
Policy contract number600615
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number600615
Number of Individuals Covered1516
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $0
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $554,776
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
UNITEDHEALTHCARE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 79413 )
Policy contract number0906034
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number0906034
Number of Individuals Covered1496
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $27,104
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $591,639
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $27,104
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameYOURPFO CONSULTING LLC
UNITEDHEALTHCARE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 79413 )
Policy contract number0906034
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number0906034
Number of Individuals Covered1323
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $15,859
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $172,839
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $15,859
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameYOURPFO CONSULTING LLC
METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65978 )
Policy contract number0170685
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification number0170685
Number of Individuals Covered1505
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $22,789
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedAD&D
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $251,549
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $22,789
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameYOURPFO CONSULTING LLC
UNITEDHEALTHCARE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 79413 )
Policy contract number304788
Policy instance 6
Insurance contract or identification number304788
Number of Individuals Covered518
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $0
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $272,578
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberABL961634
Policy instance 7
Insurance contract or identification numberABL961634
Number of Individuals Covered565
Insurance policy start date2016-04-01
Insurance policy end date2017-03-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,190
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $79
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedAD&D (BTA)
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $5,950
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,190
Amount paid for insurance broker fees79
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerOVERRIDE
Insurance broker organization code?3
ANTHEM BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 71835 )
Policy contract number86242
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number86242
Number of Individuals Covered0
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $0
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $66,804
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 80012 )
Policy contract number869783
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number869783
Number of Individuals Covered1303
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $0
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $633,915
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
TRIPLE S (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 55816 )
Policy contract numberSP0003668
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification numberSP0003668
Number of Individuals Covered2
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $0
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $0
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
DELTA DENTAL OF VIRGINIA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 55611 )
Policy contract number000008626
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number000008626
Number of Individuals Covered2240
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $30,079
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $0
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $30,079
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
ANTHEM BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 71835 )
Policy contract number201026
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification number201026
Number of Individuals Covered0
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $0
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $787
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 80012 )
Policy contract number0869783
Policy instance 6
Insurance contract or identification number0869783
Number of Individuals Covered2017
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $0
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $131,788
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberABL961634
Policy instance 11
Insurance contract or identification numberABL961634
Number of Individuals Covered2000
Insurance policy start date2014-04-01
Insurance policy end date2015-03-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,054
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedAD&D (BTA)
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $5,272
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,054
Amount paid for insurance broker fees31
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerOVERRIDE
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameWILLIS OF VIRGINIA INC
UNUM LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 62235 )
Policy contract number464523
Policy instance 10
Insurance contract or identification number464523
Number of Individuals Covered42
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $0
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $298
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $23,820
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $0
Amount paid for insurance broker fees298
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerADDITIONAL COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
UNUM LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 62235 )
Policy contract number208966
Policy instance 9
Insurance contract or identification number208966
Number of Individuals Covered495
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $16,230
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $2,811
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $229,241
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $16,230
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerADDITIONAL COMPENSATION
UNUM LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 62235 )
Policy contract number403430
Policy instance 8
Insurance contract or identification number403430
Number of Individuals Covered30
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $3,589
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $535
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $35,890
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $3,589
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerADDITIONAL COMPENSATION
UNUM LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 62235 )
Policy contract number403359
Policy instance 7
Insurance contract or identification number403359
Number of Individuals Covered690
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $18,113
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $2,693
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedAD&D
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $181,130
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $18,113
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerADDITIONAL COMPENSATION
ANTHEM BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 71835 )
Policy contract number86242
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number86242
Number of Individuals Covered2334
Insurance policy start date2014-01-01
Insurance policy end date2014-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $6,006
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $631,699
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $6,006
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameMERCER HEALTH & BENEFITS LLC
DELTA DENTAL OF VIRGINIA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 55611 )
Policy contract number000008626
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number000008626
Number of Individuals Covered2431
Insurance policy start date2014-01-01
Insurance policy end date2014-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $2,038
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $0
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $2,038
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameMERCER HEALTH & BENEFITS LLC
ANTHEM BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 71835 )
Policy contract number201026
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number201026
Number of Individuals Covered2161
Insurance policy start date2014-01-01
Insurance policy end date2014-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $0
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $104,783
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
UNUM LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 62235 )
Policy contract number403359
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification number403359
Number of Individuals Covered758
Insurance policy start date2014-01-01
Insurance policy end date2014-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $10,910
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $2,728
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedAD&D
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $109,104
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $0
Amount paid for insurance broker fees422
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerADDITIONAL COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameMERCER HEALTH & BENEFITS
UNUM LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 62235 )
Policy contract number403430
Policy instance 6
Insurance contract or identification number403430
Number of Individuals Covered36
Insurance policy start date2014-01-01
Insurance policy end date2014-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $2,376
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $594
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $23,756
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $0
Amount paid for insurance broker fees83
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerADDITIONAL COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameMERCER HEALTH & BENEFITS
UNUM LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 62235 )
Policy contract number464523
Policy instance 8
Insurance contract or identification number464523
Number of Individuals Covered49
Insurance policy start date2014-01-01
Insurance policy end date2014-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $0
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $214
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $17,124
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $0
Amount paid for insurance broker fees22
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerADDITIONAL COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameMERCER HEALTH & BENEFITS
UNUM LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 62235 )
Policy contract number208966
Policy instance 7
Insurance contract or identification number208966
Number of Individuals Covered600
Insurance policy start date2014-01-01
Insurance policy end date2014-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $6,776
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $2,115
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $169,217
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $0
Amount paid for insurance broker fees251
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerADDITIONAL COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameMERCER HEALTH & BENEFITS
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberABL961634
Policy instance 9
Insurance contract or identification numberABL961634
Number of Individuals Covered2000
Insurance policy start date2013-04-01
Insurance policy end date2014-03-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,079
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedAD&D (BTA)
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $5,272
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,054
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameMERCER HEALTH & BENEFITS
TRIPLE S (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 55816 )
Policy contract numberSP0003668
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification numberSP0003668
Number of Individuals Covered2
Insurance policy start date2014-01-01
Insurance policy end date2014-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $0
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $0
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No

Potentially related plans

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