RICOH PUERTO RICO, INC. has sponsored the creation of one or more 401k plans.
Submission information for form 5500 for 401k plan BAYAMON HEAD START PROGRAM RETIREMENT PLAN
Measure | Date | Value |
2023 : BAYAMON HEAD START PROGRAM RETIREMENT PLAN 2023 401k financial data |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2023-12-31 | $0 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2023-12-31 | $0 |
Total liabilities at beginning of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2023-12-31 | $0 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2023-12-31 | $4,538,839 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2023-12-31 | $0 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2023-12-31 | $108,978 |
Benefit payments and payments to participlants,beneficiaries,insurance carriers and others | 2023-12-31 | $99,343 |
Total contributions o plan (from employers,participants, others, non cash contrinutions) | 2023-12-31 | $1,272,279 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2023-12-31 | $23,671,053 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2023-12-31 | $19,241,192 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2023-12-31 | $9,635 |
Total interest from all sources | 2023-12-31 | $18,370 |
Total dividends received (eg from common stock, registered investment company shares) | 2023-12-31 | $563,756 |
Has a resolution to terminate the plan been adopted during the plan year or any prior plan year | 2023-12-31 | No |
Total dividends received from registered investment company shares (eg mutual funds) | 2023-12-31 | $563,756 |
Was this plan covered by a fidelity bond | 2023-12-31 | Yes |
Value of fidelity bond cover | 2023-12-31 | $2,000,000 |
If this is an individual account plan, was there a blackout period | 2023-12-31 | No |
Were there any nonexempt tranactions with any party-in-interest | 2023-12-31 | No |
Contributions received from participants | 2023-12-31 | $749,326 |
Participant contributions at end of year | 2023-12-31 | $478,734 |
Participant contributions at beginning of year | 2023-12-31 | $545,802 |
Participant contributions at beginning of year | 2023-12-31 | $20,221 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at end of year | 2023-12-31 | $8,814 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at beginning of year | 2023-12-31 | $2,888 |
Income. Received or receivable in cash from other sources (including rollovers) | 2023-12-31 | $106,222 |
Expenses. Other payments made (not to insurance carriers or or participants/beneficiaries) | 2023-12-31 | $21,080 |
Administrative expenses (other) incurred | 2023-12-31 | $9,635 |
Total non interest bearing cash at end of year | 2023-12-31 | $48,019 |
Total non interest bearing cash at beginning of year | 2023-12-31 | $20,125 |
Did the receive any noncash contributions whose value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2023-12-31 | No |
Value of net income/loss | 2023-12-31 | $4,429,861 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2023-12-31 | $23,671,053 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2023-12-31 | $19,241,192 |
Did the plan have a loss casued by fraud or dishonesty (regardless whether reimbursed by fidelity bond) | 2023-12-31 | No |
Were any loans by the plan or fixed income obligations due to the plan in default | 2023-12-31 | No |
Were any leases to which the plan was party in default or uncollectible | 2023-12-31 | No |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at end of year | 2023-12-31 | $21,126,692 |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at beginning of year | 2023-12-31 | $18,637,411 |
Interest on participant loans | 2023-12-31 | $18,370 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at end of year | 2023-12-31 | $2,008,794 |
Net investment gain/loss from registered investment companies (e.g. mutual funds) | 2023-12-31 | $2,684,434 |
Were any plan transactions or series of transactions in excess of 5% of the current value of the plan assets | 2023-12-31 | No |
Was there a failure to transmit to the plan any participant contributions | 2023-12-31 | Yes |
Has the plan failed to provide any benefit when due under the plan | 2023-12-31 | No |
Contributions received in cash from employer | 2023-12-31 | $416,731 |
Employer contributions (assets) at beginning of year | 2023-12-31 | $14,745 |
Benefit payments and payments to provide benefits directly to participlants or beneficiaries including direct rollovers | 2023-12-31 | $78,263 |
Did the plan have assets held for investment | 2023-12-31 | Yes |
Did the plan hold any assets whose current value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2023-12-31 | No |
Were all the plan assets eitehr distributed to particpants/beneficiaries, transferred to another plan or brought under the control of the PBGC | 2023-12-31 | No |
Opinion of an independent qualified public accountant for this plan | 2023-12-31 | Unqualified |
Accountancy firm name | 2023-12-31 | GALINDEZ LLC |
Accountancy firm EIN | 2023-12-31 | 660703468 |
2022 : BAYAMON HEAD START PROGRAM RETIREMENT PLAN 2022 401k financial data |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2022-12-31 | $0 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2022-12-31 | $0 |
Total liabilities at beginning of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2022-12-31 | $0 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2022-12-31 | $-2,625,456 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2022-12-31 | $0 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2022-12-31 | $1,358,625 |
Benefit payments and payments to participlants,beneficiaries,insurance carriers and others | 2022-12-31 | $1,339,015 |
Total contributions o plan (from employers,participants, others, non cash contrinutions) | 2022-12-31 | $1,147,846 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2022-12-31 | $19,241,192 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2022-12-31 | $23,225,273 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2022-12-31 | $19,610 |
Total interest from all sources | 2022-12-31 | $14,939 |
Total dividends received (eg from common stock, registered investment company shares) | 2022-12-31 | $363,387 |
Has a resolution to terminate the plan been adopted during the plan year or any prior plan year | 2022-12-31 | No |
Total dividends received from registered investment company shares (eg mutual funds) | 2022-12-31 | $363,387 |
Administrative expenses professional fees incurred | 2022-12-31 | $19,610 |
Was this plan covered by a fidelity bond | 2022-12-31 | Yes |
Value of fidelity bond cover | 2022-12-31 | $500,000 |
If this is an individual account plan, was there a blackout period | 2022-12-31 | No |
Were there any nonexempt tranactions with any party-in-interest | 2022-12-31 | No |
Contributions received from participants | 2022-12-31 | $741,583 |
Participant contributions at end of year | 2022-12-31 | $545,802 |
Participant contributions at beginning of year | 2022-12-31 | $391,755 |
Participant contributions at end of year | 2022-12-31 | $20,221 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at end of year | 2022-12-31 | $2,888 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at beginning of year | 2022-12-31 | $237 |
Income. Received or receivable in cash from other sources (including rollovers) | 2022-12-31 | $6,516 |
Expenses. Other payments made (not to insurance carriers or or participants/beneficiaries) | 2022-12-31 | $7,740 |
Total non interest bearing cash at end of year | 2022-12-31 | $20,125 |
Did the receive any noncash contributions whose value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2022-12-31 | No |
Value of net income/loss | 2022-12-31 | $-3,984,081 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2022-12-31 | $19,241,192 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2022-12-31 | $23,225,273 |
Did the plan have a loss casued by fraud or dishonesty (regardless whether reimbursed by fidelity bond) | 2022-12-31 | No |
Were any loans by the plan or fixed income obligations due to the plan in default | 2022-12-31 | No |
Were any leases to which the plan was party in default or uncollectible | 2022-12-31 | No |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at end of year | 2022-12-31 | $18,637,411 |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at beginning of year | 2022-12-31 | $22,833,281 |
Interest on participant loans | 2022-12-31 | $14,939 |
Net investment gain/loss from registered investment companies (e.g. mutual funds) | 2022-12-31 | $-4,151,628 |
Were any plan transactions or series of transactions in excess of 5% of the current value of the plan assets | 2022-12-31 | No |
Was there a failure to transmit to the plan any participant contributions | 2022-12-31 | Yes |
Has the plan failed to provide any benefit when due under the plan | 2022-12-31 | No |
Contributions received in cash from employer | 2022-12-31 | $399,747 |
Employer contributions (assets) at end of year | 2022-12-31 | $14,745 |
Benefit payments and payments to provide benefits directly to participlants or beneficiaries including direct rollovers | 2022-12-31 | $1,331,275 |
Did the plan have assets held for investment | 2022-12-31 | Yes |
Did the plan hold any assets whose current value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2022-12-31 | No |
Were all the plan assets eitehr distributed to particpants/beneficiaries, transferred to another plan or brought under the control of the PBGC | 2022-12-31 | No |
Opinion of an independent qualified public accountant for this plan | 2022-12-31 | Unqualified |
Accountancy firm name | 2022-12-31 | GALINDEZ, LLC |
Accountancy firm EIN | 2022-12-31 | 660703468 |
2021 : BAYAMON HEAD START PROGRAM RETIREMENT PLAN 2021 401k financial data |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of other (non real estate) assets | 2021-12-31 | $-1,205,725 |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2021-12-31 | $-1,205,725 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2021-12-31 | $0 |
Total liabilities at beginning of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2021-12-31 | $0 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2021-12-31 | $3,694,896 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2021-12-31 | $0 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2021-12-31 | $971,468 |
Benefit payments and payments to participlants,beneficiaries,insurance carriers and others | 2021-12-31 | $969,843 |
Total contributions o plan (from employers,participants, others, non cash contrinutions) | 2021-12-31 | $1,162,438 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2021-12-31 | $23,225,273 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2021-12-31 | $20,501,845 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2021-12-31 | $1,625 |
Total interest from all sources | 2021-12-31 | $0 |
Total dividends received (eg from common stock, registered investment company shares) | 2021-12-31 | $385,926 |
Has a resolution to terminate the plan been adopted during the plan year or any prior plan year | 2021-12-31 | No |
Total dividends received from registered investment company shares (eg mutual funds) | 2021-12-31 | $385,926 |
Administrative expenses professional fees incurred | 2021-12-31 | $1,625 |
Was this plan covered by a fidelity bond | 2021-12-31 | Yes |
Value of fidelity bond cover | 2021-12-31 | $500,000 |
If this is an individual account plan, was there a blackout period | 2021-12-31 | No |
Were there any nonexempt tranactions with any party-in-interest | 2021-12-31 | No |
Contributions received from participants | 2021-12-31 | $749,543 |
Participant contributions at end of year | 2021-12-31 | $391,755 |
Participant contributions at beginning of year | 2021-12-31 | $315,921 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at end of year | 2021-12-31 | $237 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at beginning of year | 2021-12-31 | $220 |
Did the receive any noncash contributions whose value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2021-12-31 | No |
Value of net income/loss | 2021-12-31 | $2,723,428 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2021-12-31 | $23,225,273 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2021-12-31 | $20,501,845 |
Did the plan have a loss casued by fraud or dishonesty (regardless whether reimbursed by fidelity bond) | 2021-12-31 | No |
Were any loans by the plan or fixed income obligations due to the plan in default | 2021-12-31 | No |
Were any leases to which the plan was party in default or uncollectible | 2021-12-31 | No |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at end of year | 2021-12-31 | $22,833,281 |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at beginning of year | 2021-12-31 | $20,185,704 |
Net investment gain/loss from registered investment companies (e.g. mutual funds) | 2021-12-31 | $3,352,257 |
Were any plan transactions or series of transactions in excess of 5% of the current value of the plan assets | 2021-12-31 | No |
Was there a failure to transmit to the plan any participant contributions | 2021-12-31 | No |
Has the plan failed to provide any benefit when due under the plan | 2021-12-31 | No |
Contributions received in cash from employer | 2021-12-31 | $412,895 |
Benefit payments and payments to provide benefits directly to participlants or beneficiaries including direct rollovers | 2021-12-31 | $969,843 |
Did the plan have assets held for investment | 2021-12-31 | Yes |
Did the plan hold any assets whose current value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2021-12-31 | No |
Were all the plan assets eitehr distributed to particpants/beneficiaries, transferred to another plan or brought under the control of the PBGC | 2021-12-31 | No |
Opinion of an independent qualified public accountant for this plan | 2021-12-31 | Disclaimer |
Accountancy firm name | 2021-12-31 | GARCIA WARNER & TORRES CPA, PSC |
Accountancy firm EIN | 2021-12-31 | 660748146 |
2020 : BAYAMON HEAD START PROGRAM RETIREMENT PLAN 2020 401k financial data |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of other (non real estate) assets | 2020-12-31 | $1,445,428 |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2020-12-31 | $1,445,428 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2020-12-31 | $0 |
Total liabilities at beginning of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2020-12-31 | $0 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2020-12-31 | $3,667,590 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2020-12-31 | $0 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2020-12-31 | $1,142,487 |
Benefit payments and payments to participlants,beneficiaries,insurance carriers and others | 2020-12-31 | $1,128,711 |
Total contributions o plan (from employers,participants, others, non cash contrinutions) | 2020-12-31 | $1,310,732 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2020-12-31 | $20,501,845 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2020-12-31 | $17,976,742 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2020-12-31 | $13,776 |
Total interest from all sources | 2020-12-31 | $0 |
Total dividends received (eg from common stock, registered investment company shares) | 2020-12-31 | $281,743 |
Has a resolution to terminate the plan been adopted during the plan year or any prior plan year | 2020-12-31 | No |
Total dividends received from registered investment company shares (eg mutual funds) | 2020-12-31 | $281,743 |
Administrative expenses professional fees incurred | 2020-12-31 | $13,776 |
Was this plan covered by a fidelity bond | 2020-12-31 | Yes |
Value of fidelity bond cover | 2020-12-31 | $500,000 |
If this is an individual account plan, was there a blackout period | 2020-12-31 | No |
Were there any nonexempt tranactions with any party-in-interest | 2020-12-31 | No |
Contributions received from participants | 2020-12-31 | $712,332 |
Participant contributions at end of year | 2020-12-31 | $315,921 |
Participant contributions at beginning of year | 2020-12-31 | $252,623 |
Participant contributions at end of year | 2020-12-31 | $0 |
Participant contributions at beginning of year | 2020-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at end of year | 2020-12-31 | $220 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at beginning of year | 2020-12-31 | $5 |
Income. Received or receivable in cash from other sources (including rollovers) | 2020-12-31 | $196,248 |
Did the receive any noncash contributions whose value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2020-12-31 | No |
Value of net income/loss | 2020-12-31 | $2,525,103 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2020-12-31 | $20,501,845 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2020-12-31 | $17,976,742 |
Did the plan have a loss casued by fraud or dishonesty (regardless whether reimbursed by fidelity bond) | 2020-12-31 | No |
Were any loans by the plan or fixed income obligations due to the plan in default | 2020-12-31 | No |
Were any leases to which the plan was party in default or uncollectible | 2020-12-31 | No |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at end of year | 2020-12-31 | $20,185,704 |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at beginning of year | 2020-12-31 | $17,724,114 |
Net investment gain/loss from registered investment companies (e.g. mutual funds) | 2020-12-31 | $629,687 |
Were any plan transactions or series of transactions in excess of 5% of the current value of the plan assets | 2020-12-31 | No |
Was there a failure to transmit to the plan any participant contributions | 2020-12-31 | No |
Has the plan failed to provide any benefit when due under the plan | 2020-12-31 | No |
Contributions received in cash from employer | 2020-12-31 | $402,152 |
Employer contributions (assets) at end of year | 2020-12-31 | $0 |
Employer contributions (assets) at beginning of year | 2020-12-31 | $0 |
Benefit payments and payments to provide benefits directly to participlants or beneficiaries including direct rollovers | 2020-12-31 | $1,128,711 |
Did the plan have assets held for investment | 2020-12-31 | Yes |
Did the plan hold any assets whose current value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2020-12-31 | No |
Were all the plan assets eitehr distributed to particpants/beneficiaries, transferred to another plan or brought under the control of the PBGC | 2020-12-31 | No |
Opinion of an independent qualified public accountant for this plan | 2020-12-31 | Disclaimer |
Accountancy firm name | 2020-12-31 | GARCIA WARNER & TORRES CPA, PSC |
Accountancy firm EIN | 2020-12-31 | 660748146 |
2019 : BAYAMON HEAD START PROGRAM RETIREMENT PLAN 2019 401k financial data |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of other (non real estate) assets | 2019-12-31 | $2,395,197 |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of other (non real estate) assets | 2019-12-31 | $2,395,197 |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2019-12-31 | $2,395,197 |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2019-12-31 | $2,395,197 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2019-12-31 | $0 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2019-12-31 | $0 |
Total liabilities at beginning of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2019-12-31 | $4,286 |
Total liabilities at beginning of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2019-12-31 | $4,286 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2019-12-31 | $4,352,713 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2019-12-31 | $4,352,713 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2019-12-31 | $0 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2019-12-31 | $0 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2019-12-31 | $272,182 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2019-12-31 | $272,182 |
Benefit payments and payments to participlants,beneficiaries,insurance carriers and others | 2019-12-31 | $269,489 |
Benefit payments and payments to participlants,beneficiaries,insurance carriers and others | 2019-12-31 | $269,489 |
Total contributions o plan (from employers,participants, others, non cash contrinutions) | 2019-12-31 | $1,329,953 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2019-12-31 | $17,976,742 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2019-12-31 | $17,976,742 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2019-12-31 | $13,900,497 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2019-12-31 | $13,900,497 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2019-12-31 | $2,693 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2019-12-31 | $2,693 |
Total interest from all sources | 2019-12-31 | $0 |
Total interest from all sources | 2019-12-31 | $0 |
Total dividends received (eg from common stock, registered investment company shares) | 2019-12-31 | $374,534 |
Total dividends received (eg from common stock, registered investment company shares) | 2019-12-31 | $374,534 |
Has a resolution to terminate the plan been adopted during the plan year or any prior plan year | 2019-12-31 | No |
Has a resolution to terminate the plan been adopted during the plan year or any prior plan year | 2019-12-31 | No |
Total dividends received from registered investment company shares (eg mutual funds) | 2019-12-31 | $374,534 |
Total dividends received from registered investment company shares (eg mutual funds) | 2019-12-31 | $374,534 |
Administrative expenses professional fees incurred | 2019-12-31 | $2,693 |
Administrative expenses professional fees incurred | 2019-12-31 | $2,693 |
Was this plan covered by a fidelity bond | 2019-12-31 | Yes |
Was this plan covered by a fidelity bond | 2019-12-31 | Yes |
Value of fidelity bond cover | 2019-12-31 | $500,000 |
Value of fidelity bond cover | 2019-12-31 | $500,000 |
If this is an individual account plan, was there a blackout period | 2019-12-31 | No |
If this is an individual account plan, was there a blackout period | 2019-12-31 | No |
Were there any nonexempt tranactions with any party-in-interest | 2019-12-31 | No |
Were there any nonexempt tranactions with any party-in-interest | 2019-12-31 | No |
Contributions received from participants | 2019-12-31 | $730,598 |
Contributions received from participants | 2019-12-31 | $730,598 |
Participant contributions at end of year | 2019-12-31 | $252,623 |
Participant contributions at end of year | 2019-12-31 | $252,623 |
Participant contributions at beginning of year | 2019-12-31 | $271,767 |
Participant contributions at beginning of year | 2019-12-31 | $271,767 |
Participant contributions at end of year | 2019-12-31 | $0 |
Participant contributions at end of year | 2019-12-31 | $0 |
Participant contributions at beginning of year | 2019-12-31 | $25,372 |
Participant contributions at beginning of year | 2019-12-31 | $25,372 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at end of year | 2019-12-31 | $5 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at end of year | 2019-12-31 | $5 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at beginning of year | 2019-12-31 | $168 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at beginning of year | 2019-12-31 | $168 |
Income. Received or receivable in cash from other sources (including rollovers) | 2019-12-31 | $156,217 |
Income. Received or receivable in cash from other sources (including rollovers) | 2019-12-31 | $156,217 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at beginning of year | 2019-12-31 | $4,286 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at beginning of year | 2019-12-31 | $4,286 |
Other income not declared elsewhere | 2019-12-31 | $253,029 |
Other income not declared elsewhere | 2019-12-31 | $253,029 |
Did the receive any noncash contributions whose value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2019-12-31 | No |
Did the receive any noncash contributions whose value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2019-12-31 | No |
Value of net income/loss | 2019-12-31 | $4,080,531 |
Value of net income/loss | 2019-12-31 | $4,080,531 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2019-12-31 | $17,976,742 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2019-12-31 | $17,976,742 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2019-12-31 | $13,896,211 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2019-12-31 | $13,896,211 |
Did the plan have a loss casued by fraud or dishonesty (regardless whether reimbursed by fidelity bond) | 2019-12-31 | No |
Did the plan have a loss casued by fraud or dishonesty (regardless whether reimbursed by fidelity bond) | 2019-12-31 | No |
Were any loans by the plan or fixed income obligations due to the plan in default | 2019-12-31 | No |
Were any loans by the plan or fixed income obligations due to the plan in default | 2019-12-31 | No |
Were any leases to which the plan was party in default or uncollectible | 2019-12-31 | No |
Were any leases to which the plan was party in default or uncollectible | 2019-12-31 | No |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at end of year | 2019-12-31 | $17,724,114 |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at end of year | 2019-12-31 | $17,724,114 |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at beginning of year | 2019-12-31 | $13,589,651 |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at beginning of year | 2019-12-31 | $13,589,651 |
Were any plan transactions or series of transactions in excess of 5% of the current value of the plan assets | 2019-12-31 | No |
Were any plan transactions or series of transactions in excess of 5% of the current value of the plan assets | 2019-12-31 | No |
Was there a failure to transmit to the plan any participant contributions | 2019-12-31 | No |
Was there a failure to transmit to the plan any participant contributions | 2019-12-31 | No |
Has the plan failed to provide any benefit when due under the plan | 2019-12-31 | No |
Has the plan failed to provide any benefit when due under the plan | 2019-12-31 | No |
Contributions received in cash from employer | 2019-12-31 | $443,138 |
Contributions received in cash from employer | 2019-12-31 | $443,138 |
Employer contributions (assets) at end of year | 2019-12-31 | $0 |
Employer contributions (assets) at end of year | 2019-12-31 | $0 |
Employer contributions (assets) at beginning of year | 2019-12-31 | $13,539 |
Employer contributions (assets) at beginning of year | 2019-12-31 | $13,539 |
Benefit payments and payments to provide benefits directly to participlants or beneficiaries including direct rollovers | 2019-12-31 | $269,489 |
Benefit payments and payments to provide benefits directly to participlants or beneficiaries including direct rollovers | 2019-12-31 | $269,489 |
Did the plan have assets held for investment | 2019-12-31 | Yes |
Did the plan have assets held for investment | 2019-12-31 | Yes |
Did the plan hold any assets whose current value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2019-12-31 | No |
Did the plan hold any assets whose current value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2019-12-31 | No |
Were all the plan assets eitehr distributed to particpants/beneficiaries, transferred to another plan or brought under the control of the PBGC | 2019-12-31 | No |
Were all the plan assets eitehr distributed to particpants/beneficiaries, transferred to another plan or brought under the control of the PBGC | 2019-12-31 | No |
Accountant perfomed limited scope audit pursuant to 29 CFR 2520.103-8 and/or 103-12(d) | 2019-12-31 | Yes |
Accountant perfomed limited scope audit pursuant to 29 CFR 2520.103-8 and/or 103-12(d) | 2019-12-31 | Yes |
Opinion of an independent qualified public accountant for this plan | 2019-12-31 | Disclaimer |
Opinion of an independent qualified public accountant for this plan | 2019-12-31 | Disclaimer |
Accountancy firm name | 2019-12-31 | GARCIA WARNER & TORRES CPA, PSC |
Accountancy firm name | 2019-12-31 | GARCIA WARNER & TORRES CPA, PSC |
Accountancy firm EIN | 2019-12-31 | 660748146 |
Accountancy firm EIN | 2019-12-31 | 660748146 |
2018 : BAYAMON HEAD START PROGRAM RETIREMENT PLAN 2018 401k financial data |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of other (non real estate) assets | 2018-12-31 | $-1,656,487 |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2018-12-31 | $-1,656,487 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2018-12-31 | $4,286 |
Total liabilities at beginning of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2018-12-31 | $0 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2018-12-31 | $152,039 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2018-12-31 | $0 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2018-12-31 | $1,761,420 |
Benefit payments and payments to participlants,beneficiaries,insurance carriers and others | 2018-12-31 | $1,734,677 |
Total contributions o plan (from employers,participants, others, non cash contrinutions) | 2018-12-31 | $1,024,980 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2018-12-31 | $13,900,497 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2018-12-31 | $15,505,592 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2018-12-31 | $26,743 |
Total interest from all sources | 2018-12-31 | $0 |
Total dividends received (eg from common stock, registered investment company shares) | 2018-12-31 | $307,175 |
Has a resolution to terminate the plan been adopted during the plan year or any prior plan year | 2018-12-31 | No |
Total dividends received from registered investment company shares (eg mutual funds) | 2018-12-31 | $307,175 |
Was this plan covered by a fidelity bond | 2018-12-31 | Yes |
Value of fidelity bond cover | 2018-12-31 | $500,000 |
If this is an individual account plan, was there a blackout period | 2018-12-31 | No |
Were there any nonexempt tranactions with any party-in-interest | 2018-12-31 | No |
Contributions received from participants | 2018-12-31 | $648,814 |
Participant contributions at end of year | 2018-12-31 | $271,767 |
Participant contributions at beginning of year | 2018-12-31 | $457,818 |
Participant contributions at end of year | 2018-12-31 | $25,372 |
Participant contributions at beginning of year | 2018-12-31 | $51,190 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at end of year | 2018-12-31 | $168 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at beginning of year | 2018-12-31 | $135 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at end of year | 2018-12-31 | $4,286 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at beginning of year | 2018-12-31 | $0 |
Administrative expenses (other) incurred | 2018-12-31 | $26,743 |
Did the receive any noncash contributions whose value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2018-12-31 | No |
Value of net income/loss | 2018-12-31 | $-1,609,381 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2018-12-31 | $13,896,211 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2018-12-31 | $15,505,592 |
Did the plan have a loss casued by fraud or dishonesty (regardless whether reimbursed by fidelity bond) | 2018-12-31 | No |
Were any loans by the plan or fixed income obligations due to the plan in default | 2018-12-31 | No |
Were any leases to which the plan was party in default or uncollectible | 2018-12-31 | No |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at end of year | 2018-12-31 | $13,589,651 |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at beginning of year | 2018-12-31 | $14,963,998 |
Net investment gain/loss from registered investment companies (e.g. mutual funds) | 2018-12-31 | $476,371 |
Were any plan transactions or series of transactions in excess of 5% of the current value of the plan assets | 2018-12-31 | No |
Was there a failure to transmit to the plan any participant contributions | 2018-12-31 | Yes |
Has the plan failed to provide any benefit when due under the plan | 2018-12-31 | No |
Contributions received in cash from employer | 2018-12-31 | $376,166 |
Employer contributions (assets) at end of year | 2018-12-31 | $13,539 |
Employer contributions (assets) at beginning of year | 2018-12-31 | $32,451 |
Benefit payments and payments to provide benefits directly to participlants or beneficiaries including direct rollovers | 2018-12-31 | $1,734,677 |
Did the plan have assets held for investment | 2018-12-31 | Yes |
Did the plan hold any assets whose current value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2018-12-31 | No |
Were all the plan assets eitehr distributed to particpants/beneficiaries, transferred to another plan or brought under the control of the PBGC | 2018-12-31 | No |
Accountant perfomed limited scope audit pursuant to 29 CFR 2520.103-8 and/or 103-12(d) | 2018-12-31 | Yes |
Opinion of an independent qualified public accountant for this plan | 2018-12-31 | Disclaimer |
Accountancy firm name | 2018-12-31 | GARCIA WARNER & TORRES CPA, PSC |
Accountancy firm EIN | 2018-12-31 | 660748146 |
2017 : BAYAMON HEAD START PROGRAM RETIREMENT PLAN 2017 401k financial data |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of other (non real estate) assets | 2017-12-31 | $1,697,810 |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2017-12-31 | $1,697,810 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2017-12-31 | $0 |
Total liabilities at beginning of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2017-12-31 | $22,715 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2017-12-31 | $3,512,720 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2017-12-31 | $0 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2017-12-31 | $392,523 |
Benefit payments and payments to participlants,beneficiaries,insurance carriers and others | 2017-12-31 | $357,348 |
Total contributions o plan (from employers,participants, others, non cash contrinutions) | 2017-12-31 | $1,302,780 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2017-12-31 | $15,505,592 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2017-12-31 | $12,408,110 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2017-12-31 | $35,175 |
Total interest from all sources | 2017-12-31 | $0 |
Total dividends received (eg from common stock, registered investment company shares) | 2017-12-31 | $267,205 |
Has a resolution to terminate the plan been adopted during the plan year or any prior plan year | 2017-12-31 | No |
Total dividends received from registered investment company shares (eg mutual funds) | 2017-12-31 | $267,205 |
Was this plan covered by a fidelity bond | 2017-12-31 | Yes |
Value of fidelity bond cover | 2017-12-31 | $500,000 |
If this is an individual account plan, was there a blackout period | 2017-12-31 | No |
Were there any nonexempt tranactions with any party-in-interest | 2017-12-31 | No |
Contributions received from participants | 2017-12-31 | $646,492 |
Participant contributions at end of year | 2017-12-31 | $457,818 |
Participant contributions at beginning of year | 2017-12-31 | $425,934 |
Participant contributions at end of year | 2017-12-31 | $51,190 |
Participant contributions at beginning of year | 2017-12-31 | $21,895 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at end of year | 2017-12-31 | $135 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at beginning of year | 2017-12-31 | $155 |
Income. Received or receivable in cash from other sources (including rollovers) | 2017-12-31 | $245,888 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at end of year | 2017-12-31 | $0 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at beginning of year | 2017-12-31 | $22,715 |
Administrative expenses (other) incurred | 2017-12-31 | $35,175 |
Did the receive any noncash contributions whose value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2017-12-31 | No |
Value of net income/loss | 2017-12-31 | $3,120,197 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2017-12-31 | $15,505,592 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2017-12-31 | $12,385,395 |
Did the plan have a loss casued by fraud or dishonesty (regardless whether reimbursed by fidelity bond) | 2017-12-31 | No |
Were any loans by the plan or fixed income obligations due to the plan in default | 2017-12-31 | No |
Were any leases to which the plan was party in default or uncollectible | 2017-12-31 | No |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at end of year | 2017-12-31 | $14,963,998 |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at beginning of year | 2017-12-31 | $11,945,623 |
Net investment gain/loss from registered investment companies (e.g. mutual funds) | 2017-12-31 | $244,925 |
Were any plan transactions or series of transactions in excess of 5% of the current value of the plan assets | 2017-12-31 | No |
Was there a failure to transmit to the plan any participant contributions | 2017-12-31 | Yes |
Has the plan failed to provide any benefit when due under the plan | 2017-12-31 | No |
Contributions received in cash from employer | 2017-12-31 | $410,400 |
Employer contributions (assets) at end of year | 2017-12-31 | $32,451 |
Employer contributions (assets) at beginning of year | 2017-12-31 | $14,503 |
Benefit payments and payments to provide benefits directly to participlants or beneficiaries including direct rollovers | 2017-12-31 | $357,348 |
Did the plan have assets held for investment | 2017-12-31 | Yes |
Did the plan hold any assets whose current value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2017-12-31 | No |
Were all the plan assets eitehr distributed to particpants/beneficiaries, transferred to another plan or brought under the control of the PBGC | 2017-12-31 | No |
Accountant perfomed limited scope audit pursuant to 29 CFR 2520.103-8 and/or 103-12(d) | 2017-12-31 | No |
Opinion of an independent qualified public accountant for this plan | 2017-12-31 | Unqualified |
Accountancy firm name | 2017-12-31 | GARCIA WARNER & TORRES CPA, PSC |
Accountancy firm EIN | 2017-12-31 | 660748146 |
2016 : BAYAMON HEAD START PROGRAM RETIREMENT PLAN 2016 401k financial data |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of other (non real estate) assets | 2016-12-31 | $510,000 |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2016-12-31 | $510,000 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2016-12-31 | $22,715 |
Total liabilities at beginning of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2016-12-31 | $10,792 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2016-12-31 | $1,977,008 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2016-12-31 | $0 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2016-12-31 | $174,201 |
Benefit payments and payments to participlants,beneficiaries,insurance carriers and others | 2016-12-31 | $109,731 |
Value of total corrective distributions | 2016-12-31 | $22,715 |
Total contributions o plan (from employers,participants, others, non cash contrinutions) | 2016-12-31 | $1,098,055 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2016-12-31 | $12,408,110 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2016-12-31 | $10,593,380 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2016-12-31 | $41,755 |
Total interest from all sources | 2016-12-31 | $0 |
Total dividends received (eg from common stock, registered investment company shares) | 2016-12-31 | $280,015 |
Has a resolution to terminate the plan been adopted during the plan year or any prior plan year | 2016-12-31 | No |
Total dividends received from registered investment company shares (eg mutual funds) | 2016-12-31 | $280,015 |
Was this plan covered by a fidelity bond | 2016-12-31 | Yes |
Value of fidelity bond cover | 2016-12-31 | $500,000 |
If this is an individual account plan, was there a blackout period | 2016-12-31 | No |
Were there any nonexempt tranactions with any party-in-interest | 2016-12-31 | No |
Contributions received from participants | 2016-12-31 | $649,729 |
Participant contributions at end of year | 2016-12-31 | $425,934 |
Participant contributions at beginning of year | 2016-12-31 | $452,704 |
Participant contributions at end of year | 2016-12-31 | $21,895 |
Participant contributions at beginning of year | 2016-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at end of year | 2016-12-31 | $155 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at end of year | 2016-12-31 | $22,715 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at beginning of year | 2016-12-31 | $10,792 |
Administrative expenses (other) incurred | 2016-12-31 | $41,755 |
Did the receive any noncash contributions whose value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2016-12-31 | No |
Value of net income/loss | 2016-12-31 | $1,802,807 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2016-12-31 | $12,385,395 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2016-12-31 | $10,582,588 |
Did the plan have a loss casued by fraud or dishonesty (regardless whether reimbursed by fidelity bond) | 2016-12-31 | No |
Were any loans by the plan or fixed income obligations due to the plan in default | 2016-12-31 | No |
Were any leases to which the plan was party in default or uncollectible | 2016-12-31 | No |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at end of year | 2016-12-31 | $11,945,623 |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at beginning of year | 2016-12-31 | $10,140,676 |
Net investment gain/loss from registered investment companies (e.g. mutual funds) | 2016-12-31 | $88,938 |
Were any plan transactions or series of transactions in excess of 5% of the current value of the plan assets | 2016-12-31 | No |
Was there a failure to transmit to the plan any participant contributions | 2016-12-31 | No |
Has the plan failed to provide any benefit when due under the plan | 2016-12-31 | No |
Contributions received in cash from employer | 2016-12-31 | $448,326 |
Employer contributions (assets) at end of year | 2016-12-31 | $14,503 |
Employer contributions (assets) at beginning of year | 2016-12-31 | $0 |
Benefit payments and payments to provide benefits directly to participlants or beneficiaries including direct rollovers | 2016-12-31 | $109,731 |
Did the plan have assets held for investment | 2016-12-31 | Yes |
Did the plan hold any assets whose current value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2016-12-31 | No |
Were all the plan assets eitehr distributed to particpants/beneficiaries, transferred to another plan or brought under the control of the PBGC | 2016-12-31 | No |
Accountant perfomed limited scope audit pursuant to 29 CFR 2520.103-8 and/or 103-12(d) | 2016-12-31 | No |
Opinion of an independent qualified public accountant for this plan | 2016-12-31 | Unqualified |
Accountancy firm name | 2016-12-31 | GARCIA WARNER & TORRES CPA, PSC |
Accountancy firm EIN | 2016-12-31 | 660748146 |
2015 : BAYAMON HEAD START PROGRAM RETIREMENT PLAN 2015 401k financial data |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of other (non real estate) assets | 2015-12-31 | $-744,092 |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2015-12-31 | $-744,092 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2015-12-31 | $10,792 |
Total liabilities at beginning of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2015-12-31 | $4,215 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2015-12-31 | $945,065 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2015-12-31 | $0 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2015-12-31 | $906,281 |
Benefit payments and payments to participlants,beneficiaries,insurance carriers and others | 2015-12-31 | $869,592 |
Value of total corrective distributions | 2015-12-31 | $10,792 |
Total contributions o plan (from employers,participants, others, non cash contrinutions) | 2015-12-31 | $1,062,293 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2015-12-31 | $10,593,380 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2015-12-31 | $10,548,019 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2015-12-31 | $25,897 |
Total interest from all sources | 2015-12-31 | $228,673 |
Total dividends received (eg from common stock, registered investment company shares) | 2015-12-31 | $398,191 |
Has a resolution to terminate the plan been adopted during the plan year or any prior plan year | 2015-12-31 | No |
Total dividends received from registered investment company shares (eg mutual funds) | 2015-12-31 | $398,191 |
Was this plan covered by a fidelity bond | 2015-12-31 | Yes |
Value of fidelity bond cover | 2015-12-31 | $500,000 |
If this is an individual account plan, was there a blackout period | 2015-12-31 | No |
Were there any nonexempt tranactions with any party-in-interest | 2015-12-31 | No |
Contributions received from participants | 2015-12-31 | $618,812 |
Participant contributions at end of year | 2015-12-31 | $452,704 |
Participant contributions at beginning of year | 2015-12-31 | $295,282 |
Participant contributions at end of year | 2015-12-31 | $0 |
Participant contributions at beginning of year | 2015-12-31 | $21,703 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at end of year | 2015-12-31 | $10,792 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at beginning of year | 2015-12-31 | $4,215 |
Administrative expenses (other) incurred | 2015-12-31 | $25,897 |
Did the receive any noncash contributions whose value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2015-12-31 | No |
Value of net income/loss | 2015-12-31 | $38,784 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2015-12-31 | $10,582,588 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2015-12-31 | $10,543,804 |
Did the plan have a loss casued by fraud or dishonesty (regardless whether reimbursed by fidelity bond) | 2015-12-31 | No |
Were any loans by the plan or fixed income obligations due to the plan in default | 2015-12-31 | No |
Were any leases to which the plan was party in default or uncollectible | 2015-12-31 | No |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at end of year | 2015-12-31 | $10,140,676 |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at beginning of year | 2015-12-31 | $10,204,700 |
Interest earned on other investments | 2015-12-31 | $228,673 |
Were any plan transactions or series of transactions in excess of 5% of the current value of the plan assets | 2015-12-31 | No |
Was there a failure to transmit to the plan any participant contributions | 2015-12-31 | No |
Has the plan failed to provide any benefit when due under the plan | 2015-12-31 | No |
Contributions received in cash from employer | 2015-12-31 | $443,481 |
Employer contributions (assets) at end of year | 2015-12-31 | $0 |
Employer contributions (assets) at beginning of year | 2015-12-31 | $26,334 |
Benefit payments and payments to provide benefits directly to participlants or beneficiaries including direct rollovers | 2015-12-31 | $869,592 |
Did the plan have assets held for investment | 2015-12-31 | Yes |
Did the plan hold any assets whose current value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2015-12-31 | No |
Were all the plan assets eitehr distributed to particpants/beneficiaries, transferred to another plan or brought under the control of the PBGC | 2015-12-31 | No |
Accountant perfomed limited scope audit pursuant to 29 CFR 2520.103-8 and/or 103-12(d) | 2015-12-31 | No |
Opinion of an independent qualified public accountant for this plan | 2015-12-31 | Unqualified |
Accountancy firm name | 2015-12-31 | GARCIA WARNER & TORRES CPA, PSC |
Accountancy firm EIN | 2015-12-31 | 660748146 |
2014 : BAYAMON HEAD START PROGRAM RETIREMENT PLAN 2014 401k financial data |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of real estate assets | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of other (non real estate) assets | 2014-12-31 | $238,495 |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2014-12-31 | $238,495 |
Total transfer of assets to this plan | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Total transfer of assets from this plan | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2014-12-31 | $4,215 |
Total liabilities at beginning of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2014-12-31 | $11,259 |
Expenses. Interest paid | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Amount of participant contributions which was failed to transmit to the plan within the time period described in 29 CFR 251.3-102 | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2014-12-31 | $1,639,115 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2014-12-31 | $131,728 |
Benefit payments and payments to participlants,beneficiaries,insurance carriers and others | 2014-12-31 | $127,513 |
Expenses. Certain deemed distributions of participant loans | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Value of total corrective distributions | 2014-12-31 | $4,215 |
Total contributions o plan (from employers,participants, others, non cash contrinutions) | 2014-12-31 | $1,001,675 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $10,548,019 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $9,047,676 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Total income from rents | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Total interest from all sources | 2014-12-31 | $133,660 |
Total dividends received (eg from common stock, registered investment company shares) | 2014-12-31 | $265,285 |
Transfers to/from the plan | 2014-12-31 | $30,763 |
Total plan liabilities at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Total plan liabilities at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Total income from all sources | 2014-12-31 | $63,029 |
Expenses. Total of all expenses incurred | 2014-12-31 | $17,478 |
Benefits paid (including direct rollovers) | 2014-12-31 | $17,478 |
Total plan assets at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $906,192 |
Total plan assets at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $829,878 |
Value of fidelity bond covering the plan | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of tangible personal property | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Total contributions received or receivable from participants | 2014-12-31 | $13,810 |
Assets. Value of loans (other than to participants) | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Expenses. Other expenses not covered elsewhere | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Contributions received from other sources (not participants or employers) | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Other income received | 2014-12-31 | $14,370 |
Noncash contributions received | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Net income (gross income less expenses) | 2014-12-31 | $45,551 |
Net plan assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2014-12-31 | $906,192 |
Net plan assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2014-12-31 | $829,878 |
Assets. Value of participant loans | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Value of loans by the plan or fixed income obligations due to the plan which were in default or classified as uncollectible at the close of the plan year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Value of leases to which the plan was a party in default or classified as uncollectible during the plan year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of assets in partnership/joint-venture interests | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of real-estate (other than employer real property) | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Value of participant contributions where there was a failure to transmit these to the plan within the time period described in 29 CFR 2510.3-102 | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of employer securities | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of employer real property | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Total contributions received or receivable from employer(s) | 2014-12-31 | $34,849 |
Value of certain deemed distributions of participant loans | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Value of corrective distributions | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Expenses. Administrative service providers (salaries,fees and commissions) | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Has a resolution to terminate the plan been adopted during the plan year or any prior plan year | 2014-12-31 | No |
Value of any plan assets that reverted to the employer resulting from resoluton to terminate the plan | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Total dividends received from registered investment company shares (eg mutual funds) | 2014-12-31 | $265,285 |
Assets. Real estate other than employer real property at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Real estate other than employer real property at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Administrative expenses professional fees incurred | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Corporate prefeered stocks other than exployer securities at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Corporate prefeered stocks other than exployer securities at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Was this plan covered by a fidelity bond | 2014-12-31 | Yes |
Value of fidelity bond cover | 2014-12-31 | $500,000 |
If this is an individual account plan, was there a blackout period | 2014-12-31 | Yes |
Were there any nonexempt tranactions with any party-in-interest | 2014-12-31 | No |
Amount of non-exempt transactions with any party-in-interest | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Contributions received from participants | 2014-12-31 | $580,992 |
Participant contributions at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $295,282 |
Participant contributions at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $235,928 |
Participant contributions at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $21,703 |
Participant contributions at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $25,918 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Income. Received or receivable in cash from other sources (including rollovers) | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Expenses. Other payments made (not to insurance carriers or or participants/beneficiaries) | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Loans (other than to participants) at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Loans (other than to participants) at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $4,215 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $11,259 |
Other income not declared elsewhere | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Administrative expenses (other) incurred | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Liabilities. Value of operating payables at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Liabilities. Value of operating payables at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Total non interest bearing cash at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Total non interest bearing cash at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Did the receive any noncash contributions whose value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2014-12-31 | No |
Income. Non cash contributions | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Value of net income/loss | 2014-12-31 | $1,507,387 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2014-12-31 | $10,543,804 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2014-12-31 | $9,036,417 |
Did the plan have a loss casued by fraud or dishonesty (regardless whether reimbursed by fidelity bond) | 2014-12-31 | No |
Were any loans by the plan or fixed income obligations due to the plan in default | 2014-12-31 | No |
Amount of loans by the plan or fixed income obligations due to the plan which were in default/classified-as-uncollectible as of the close of the plan year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Were any leases to which the plan was party in default or uncollectible | 2014-12-31 | No |
Amount of leases to which the plan was a party which were in default/classified-as-uncollectible during the year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. partnership/joint venture interests at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. partnership/joint venture interests at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Investment advisory and management fees | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $10,204,700 |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $8,811,748 |
Interest on participant loans | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Income. Interest from loans (other than to participants) | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Interest earned on other investments | 2014-12-31 | $133,660 |
Income. Interest from US Government securities | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Income. Interest from corporate debt instruments | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Value of interest in master investment trust accounts at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Value of interest in master investment trust accounts at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Value of interest in common/collective trusts at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Value of interest in common/collective trusts at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Interest-bearing cash (include money market accounts & certificates of deposit) at beginning of the Year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Interest earned from interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposit) | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of investments in 103.12 investment entities at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of investments in 103.12 investment entities at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Expenses. Payments to insurance carriers foe the provision of benefits | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Asset value of US Government securities at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Asset value of US Government securities at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Net investment gain/loss from registered investment companies (e.g. mutual funds) | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Net investment gain/loss from pooled separate accounts | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Net investment gain or loss from common/collective trusts | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Net gain/loss from 103.12 investment entities | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Were any plan transactions or series of transactions in excess of 5% of the current value of the plan assets | 2014-12-31 | No |
Was there a failure to transmit to the plan any participant contributions | 2014-12-31 | No |
Has the plan failed to provide any benefit when due under the plan | 2014-12-31 | No |
Assets. Invements in employer securities at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Invements in employer securities at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of employer real property at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of employer real property at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Contributions received in cash from employer | 2014-12-31 | $420,683 |
Employer contributions (assets) at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $26,334 |
Employer contributions (assets) at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $81,576 |
Income. Dividends from preferred stock | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Income. Dividends from common stock | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Benefit payments and payments to provide benefits directly to participlants or beneficiaries including direct rollovers | 2014-12-31 | $127,513 |
Asset. Corporate debt instrument preferred debt at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Asset. Corporate debt instrument preferred debt at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Asset. Corporate debt instrument debt (other) at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Asset. Corporate debt instrument debt (other) at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Contract administrator fees | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Was the provided the required notice or one of the exceptions to providing the black out period notice applied under 29 CFR 2520.101-3 | 2014-12-31 | Yes |
Assets. Corporate common stocks other than exployer securities at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Corporate common stocks other than exployer securities at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Liabilities. Value of benefit claims payable at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Liabilities. Value of benefit claims payable at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of buildings and other operty used in plan operation at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of buildings and other operty used in plan operation at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Did the plan have assets held for investment | 2014-12-31 | Yes |
Did the plan hold any assets whose current value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2014-12-31 | No |
Were all the plan assets eitehr distributed to particpants/beneficiaries, transferred to another plan or brought under the control of the PBGC | 2014-12-31 | No |
Aggregate proceeds on sale of assets | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Aggregate carrying amount (costs) on sale of assets | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Liabilities. Value of acquisition indebtedness at end of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Liabilities. Value of acquisition indebtedness at beginning of year | 2014-12-31 | $0 |
Accountant perfomed limited scope audit pursuant to 29 CFR 2520.103-8 and/or 103-12(d) | 2014-12-31 | No |
Opinion of an independent qualified public accountant for this plan | 2014-12-31 | Unqualified |
Accountancy firm name | 2014-12-31 | GARCIA WARNER & TORRES CPA, PSC. |
Accountancy firm EIN | 2014-12-31 | 660748146 |
2013 : BAYAMON HEAD START PROGRAM RETIREMENT PLAN 2013 401k financial data |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of real estate assets | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of other (non real estate) assets | 2013-12-31 | $971,073 |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2013-12-31 | $971,073 |
Total transfer of assets to this plan | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Total transfer of assets from this plan | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2013-12-31 | $11,259 |
Total liabilities at beginning of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2013-12-31 | $21,431 |
Expenses. Interest paid | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Amount of participant contributions which was failed to transmit to the plan within the time period described in 29 CFR 251.3-102 | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2013-12-31 | $2,390,465 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2013-12-31 | $130,560 |
Benefit payments and payments to participlants,beneficiaries,insurance carriers and others | 2013-12-31 | $85,913 |
Expenses. Certain deemed distributions of participant loans | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Value of total corrective distributions | 2013-12-31 | $11,259 |
Total contributions o plan (from employers,participants, others, non cash contrinutions) | 2013-12-31 | $958,086 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $9,047,676 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $6,797,943 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2013-12-31 | $33,388 |
Total income from rents | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Total interest from all sources | 2013-12-31 | $268,661 |
Total dividends received (eg from common stock, registered investment company shares) | 2013-12-31 | $192,645 |
Transfers to/from the plan | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Total plan liabilities at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Total plan liabilities at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Total income from all sources | 2013-12-31 | $20,504 |
Expenses. Total of all expenses incurred | 2013-12-31 | $4,250 |
Benefits paid (including direct rollovers) | 2013-12-31 | $4,250 |
Total plan assets at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $100,101 |
Total plan assets at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $83,847 |
Value of fidelity bond covering the plan | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of tangible personal property | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Total contributions received or receivable from participants | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of loans (other than to participants) | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Expenses. Other expenses not covered elsewhere | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Contributions received from other sources (not participants or employers) | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Other income received | 2013-12-31 | $9,305 |
Noncash contributions received | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Net income (gross income less expenses) | 2013-12-31 | $16,254 |
Net plan assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2013-12-31 | $100,101 |
Net plan assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2013-12-31 | $83,847 |
Assets. Value of participant loans | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Value of loans by the plan or fixed income obligations due to the plan which were in default or classified as uncollectible at the close of the plan year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Value of leases to which the plan was a party in default or classified as uncollectible during the plan year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of assets in partnership/joint-venture interests | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of real-estate (other than employer real property) | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Value of participant contributions where there was a failure to transmit these to the plan within the time period described in 29 CFR 2510.3-102 | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of employer securities | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of employer real property | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Total contributions received or receivable from employer(s) | 2013-12-31 | $11,199 |
Value of certain deemed distributions of participant loans | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Value of corrective distributions | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Expenses. Administrative service providers (salaries,fees and commissions) | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Has a resolution to terminate the plan been adopted during the plan year or any prior plan year | 2013-12-31 | No |
Value of any plan assets that reverted to the employer resulting from resoluton to terminate the plan | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Total dividends received from registered investment company shares (eg mutual funds) | 2013-12-31 | $192,645 |
Assets. Real estate other than employer real property at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Real estate other than employer real property at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Administrative expenses professional fees incurred | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Corporate prefeered stocks other than exployer securities at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Corporate prefeered stocks other than exployer securities at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Was this plan covered by a fidelity bond | 2013-12-31 | Yes |
Value of fidelity bond cover | 2013-12-31 | $500,000 |
If this is an individual account plan, was there a blackout period | 2013-12-31 | Yes |
Were there any nonexempt tranactions with any party-in-interest | 2013-12-31 | No |
Amount of non-exempt transactions with any party-in-interest | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Contributions received from participants | 2013-12-31 | $555,374 |
Participant contributions at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $235,928 |
Participant contributions at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $242,818 |
Participant contributions at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $25,918 |
Participant contributions at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $14,388 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Income. Received or receivable in cash from other sources (including rollovers) | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Expenses. Other payments made (not to insurance carriers or or participants/beneficiaries) | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Loans (other than to participants) at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Loans (other than to participants) at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $11,259 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $21,431 |
Other income not declared elsewhere | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Administrative expenses (other) incurred | 2013-12-31 | $33,388 |
Liabilities. Value of operating payables at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Liabilities. Value of operating payables at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Total non interest bearing cash at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Total non interest bearing cash at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Did the receive any noncash contributions whose value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2013-12-31 | No |
Income. Non cash contributions | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Value of net income/loss | 2013-12-31 | $2,259,905 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2013-12-31 | $9,036,417 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2013-12-31 | $6,776,512 |
Did the plan have a loss casued by fraud or dishonesty (regardless whether reimbursed by fidelity bond) | 2013-12-31 | No |
Were any loans by the plan or fixed income obligations due to the plan in default | 2013-12-31 | No |
Amount of loans by the plan or fixed income obligations due to the plan which were in default/classified-as-uncollectible as of the close of the plan year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Were any leases to which the plan was party in default or uncollectible | 2013-12-31 | No |
Amount of leases to which the plan was a party which were in default/classified-as-uncollectible during the year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. partnership/joint venture interests at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. partnership/joint venture interests at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Investment advisory and management fees | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $8,811,748 |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $6,555,125 |
Interest on participant loans | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Income. Interest from loans (other than to participants) | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Interest earned on other investments | 2013-12-31 | $268,661 |
Income. Interest from US Government securities | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Income. Interest from corporate debt instruments | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Value of interest in master investment trust accounts at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Value of interest in master investment trust accounts at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Value of interest in common/collective trusts at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Value of interest in common/collective trusts at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Interest-bearing cash (include money market accounts & certificates of deposit) at beginning of the Year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Interest earned from interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposit) | 2013-12-31 | $307,184 |
Assets. Value of investments in 103.12 investment entities at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of investments in 103.12 investment entities at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Expenses. Payments to insurance carriers foe the provision of benefits | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Asset value of US Government securities at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Asset value of US Government securities at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Net investment gain/loss from registered investment companies (e.g. mutual funds) | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Net investment gain/loss from pooled separate accounts | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Net investment gain or loss from common/collective trusts | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Net gain/loss from 103.12 investment entities | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Were any plan transactions or series of transactions in excess of 5% of the current value of the plan assets | 2013-12-31 | Yes |
Was there a failure to transmit to the plan any participant contributions | 2013-12-31 | No |
Has the plan failed to provide any benefit when due under the plan | 2013-12-31 | No |
Assets. Invements in employer securities at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Invements in employer securities at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of employer real property at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of employer real property at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Contributions received in cash from employer | 2013-12-31 | $402,712 |
Employer contributions (assets) at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $81,576 |
Employer contributions (assets) at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Income. Dividends from preferred stock | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Income. Dividends from common stock | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Benefit payments and payments to provide benefits directly to participlants or beneficiaries including direct rollovers | 2013-12-31 | $85,913 |
Asset. Corporate debt instrument preferred debt at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Asset. Corporate debt instrument preferred debt at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Asset. Corporate debt instrument debt (other) at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Asset. Corporate debt instrument debt (other) at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Contract administrator fees | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Was the provided the required notice or one of the exceptions to providing the black out period notice applied under 29 CFR 2520.101-3 | 2013-12-31 | Yes |
Assets. Corporate common stocks other than exployer securities at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Corporate common stocks other than exployer securities at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Liabilities. Value of benefit claims payable at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Liabilities. Value of benefit claims payable at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of buildings and other operty used in plan operation at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of buildings and other operty used in plan operation at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Did the plan have assets held for investment | 2013-12-31 | Yes |
Did the plan hold any assets whose current value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2013-12-31 | No |
Were all the plan assets eitehr distributed to particpants/beneficiaries, transferred to another plan or brought under the control of the PBGC | 2013-12-31 | No |
Aggregate proceeds on sale of assets | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Aggregate carrying amount (costs) on sale of assets | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Liabilities. Value of acquisition indebtedness at end of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Liabilities. Value of acquisition indebtedness at beginning of year | 2013-12-31 | $0 |
Accountant perfomed limited scope audit pursuant to 29 CFR 2520.103-8 and/or 103-12(d) | 2013-12-31 | No |
Opinion of an independent qualified public accountant for this plan | 2013-12-31 | Unqualified |
Accountancy firm name | 2013-12-31 | GARCIA WARNER & TORRES CPA, PSC. |
Accountancy firm EIN | 2013-12-31 | 660748146 |
2012 : BAYAMON HEAD START PROGRAM RETIREMENT PLAN 2012 401k financial data |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of other (non real estate) assets | 2012-12-31 | $523,433 |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2012-12-31 | $523,433 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2012-12-31 | $21,431 |
Total liabilities at beginning of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2012-12-31 | $0 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2012-12-31 | $1,641,416 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2012-12-31 | $0 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2012-12-31 | $229,076 |
Benefit payments and payments to participlants,beneficiaries,insurance carriers and others | 2012-12-31 | $197,318 |
Value of total corrective distributions | 2012-12-31 | $21,431 |
Total contributions o plan (from employers,participants, others, non cash contrinutions) | 2012-12-31 | $875,039 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2012-12-31 | $6,797,943 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2012-12-31 | $5,364,172 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2012-12-31 | $10,327 |
Total interest from all sources | 2012-12-31 | $242,944 |
Total dividends received (eg from common stock, registered investment company shares) | 2012-12-31 | $0 |
Has a resolution to terminate the plan been adopted during the plan year or any prior plan year | 2012-12-31 | No |
Was this plan covered by a fidelity bond | 2012-12-31 | Yes |
Value of fidelity bond cover | 2012-12-31 | $375,000 |
If this is an individual account plan, was there a blackout period | 2012-12-31 | Yes |
Were there any nonexempt tranactions with any party-in-interest | 2012-12-31 | No |
Contributions received from participants | 2012-12-31 | $528,244 |
Participant contributions at end of year | 2012-12-31 | $242,818 |
Participant contributions at beginning of year | 2012-12-31 | $167,947 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at end of year | 2012-12-31 | $21,431 |
Administrative expenses (other) incurred | 2012-12-31 | $10,327 |
Did the receive any noncash contributions whose value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2012-12-31 | No |
Value of net income/loss | 2012-12-31 | $1,412,340 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2012-12-31 | $6,776,512 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2012-12-31 | $5,364,172 |
Did the plan have a loss casued by fraud or dishonesty (regardless whether reimbursed by fidelity bond) | 2012-12-31 | No |
Were any loans by the plan or fixed income obligations due to the plan in default | 2012-12-31 | No |
Were any leases to which the plan was party in default or uncollectible | 2012-12-31 | No |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at end of year | 2012-12-31 | $6,555,125 |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at beginning of year | 2012-12-31 | $5,181,734 |
Interest earned on other investments | 2012-12-31 | $242,944 |
Were any plan transactions or series of transactions in excess of 5% of the current value of the plan assets | 2012-12-31 | Yes |
Was there a failure to transmit to the plan any participant contributions | 2012-12-31 | No |
Has the plan failed to provide any benefit when due under the plan | 2012-12-31 | No |
Contributions received in cash from employer | 2012-12-31 | $346,795 |
Employer contributions (assets) at end of year | 2012-12-31 | $0 |
Employer contributions (assets) at beginning of year | 2012-12-31 | $14,491 |
Benefit payments and payments to provide benefits directly to participlants or beneficiaries including direct rollovers | 2012-12-31 | $197,318 |
Was the provided the required notice or one of the exceptions to providing the black out period notice applied under 29 CFR 2520.101-3 | 2012-12-31 | Yes |
Did the plan have assets held for investment | 2012-12-31 | Yes |
Did the plan hold any assets whose current value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2012-12-31 | No |
Were all the plan assets eitehr distributed to particpants/beneficiaries, transferred to another plan or brought under the control of the PBGC | 2012-12-31 | No |
Aggregate proceeds on sale of assets | 2012-12-31 | $0 |
Accountant perfomed limited scope audit pursuant to 29 CFR 2520.103-8 and/or 103-12(d) | 2012-12-31 | No |
Opinion of an independent qualified public accountant for this plan | 2012-12-31 | Unqualified |
Accountancy firm name | 2012-12-31 | GARCIA WARNER & TORRES CPA, PSC |
Accountancy firm EIN | 2012-12-31 | 660748146 |
2011 : BAYAMON HEAD START PROGRAM RETIREMENT PLAN 2011 401k financial data |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of other (non real estate) assets | 2011-12-31 | $494,342 |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2011-12-31 | $494,342 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2011-12-31 | $0 |
Total liabilities at beginning of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2011-12-31 | $0 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2011-12-31 | $643,941 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2011-12-31 | $-581,584 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2011-12-31 | $315,165 |
Benefit payments and payments to participlants,beneficiaries,insurance carriers and others | 2011-12-31 | $310,165 |
Total contributions o plan (from employers,participants, others, non cash contrinutions) | 2011-12-31 | $598,269 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2011-12-31 | $5,364,172 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2011-12-31 | $5,035,396 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2011-12-31 | $5,000 |
Total interest from all sources | 2011-12-31 | $132,914 |
Total dividends received (eg from common stock, registered investment company shares) | 2011-12-31 | $0 |
Has a resolution to terminate the plan been adopted during the plan year or any prior plan year | 2011-12-31 | No |
Was this plan covered by a fidelity bond | 2011-12-31 | Yes |
Value of fidelity bond cover | 2011-12-31 | $375,000 |
If this is an individual account plan, was there a blackout period | 2011-12-31 | Yes |
Were there any nonexempt tranactions with any party-in-interest | 2011-12-31 | No |
Contributions received from participants | 2011-12-31 | $312,235 |
Participant contributions at end of year | 2011-12-31 | $167,947 |
Participant contributions at beginning of year | 2011-12-31 | $233,651 |
Administrative expenses (other) incurred | 2011-12-31 | $5,000 |
Did the receive any noncash contributions whose value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2011-12-31 | No |
Value of net income/loss | 2011-12-31 | $328,776 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2011-12-31 | $5,364,172 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2011-12-31 | $5,035,396 |
Did the plan have a loss casued by fraud or dishonesty (regardless whether reimbursed by fidelity bond) | 2011-12-31 | No |
Were any loans by the plan or fixed income obligations due to the plan in default | 2011-12-31 | No |
Were any leases to which the plan was party in default or uncollectible | 2011-12-31 | No |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at end of year | 2011-12-31 | $5,181,734 |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at beginning of year | 2011-12-31 | $4,533,501 |
Interest earned on other investments | 2011-12-31 | $132,914 |
Value of interest in common/collective trusts at end of year | 2011-12-31 | $0 |
Value of interest in common/collective trusts at beginning of year | 2011-12-31 | $249,431 |
Were any plan transactions or series of transactions in excess of 5% of the current value of the plan assets | 2011-12-31 | No |
Was there a failure to transmit to the plan any participant contributions | 2011-12-31 | No |
Has the plan failed to provide any benefit when due under the plan | 2011-12-31 | No |
Contributions received in cash from employer | 2011-12-31 | $286,034 |
Employer contributions (assets) at end of year | 2011-12-31 | $14,491 |
Employer contributions (assets) at beginning of year | 2011-12-31 | $18,813 |
Benefit payments and payments to provide benefits directly to participlants or beneficiaries including direct rollovers | 2011-12-31 | $310,165 |
Was the provided the required notice or one of the exceptions to providing the black out period notice applied under 29 CFR 2520.101-3 | 2011-12-31 | Yes |
Did the plan have assets held for investment | 2011-12-31 | Yes |
Did the plan hold any assets whose current value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2011-12-31 | No |
Were all the plan assets eitehr distributed to particpants/beneficiaries, transferred to another plan or brought under the control of the PBGC | 2011-12-31 | No |
Aggregate proceeds on sale of assets | 2011-12-31 | $-581,584 |
Accountant perfomed limited scope audit pursuant to 29 CFR 2520.103-8 and/or 103-12(d) | 2011-12-31 | No |
Opinion of an independent qualified public accountant for this plan | 2011-12-31 | Unqualified |
Accountancy firm name | 2011-12-31 | GARCIA WARNER & TORRES CPA, PSC |
Accountancy firm EIN | 2011-12-31 | 660748146 |
2010 : BAYAMON HEAD START PROGRAM RETIREMENT PLAN 2010 401k financial data |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of real estate assets | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Unrealized appreciation/depreciation of other (non real estate) assets | 2010-12-31 | $567,672 |
Total unrealized appreciation/depreciation of assets | 2010-12-31 | $567,672 |
Total transfer of assets to this plan | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Total transfer of assets from this plan | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Total liabilities at end of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Total liabilities at beginning of year (benefit claims payable, operating payabales, acquisition indebtedness and other liabilities) | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Expenses. Interest paid | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Amount of participant contributions which was failed to transmit to the plan within the time period described in 29 CFR 251.3-102 | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Total income from all sources (including contributions) | 2010-12-31 | $1,157,226 |
Total loss/gain on sale of assets | 2010-12-31 | $-35,117 |
Total of all expenses incurred | 2010-12-31 | $280,749 |
Benefit payments and payments to participlants,beneficiaries,insurance carriers and others | 2010-12-31 | $259,749 |
Expenses. Certain deemed distributions of participant loans | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Value of total corrective distributions | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Total contributions o plan (from employers,participants, others, non cash contrinutions) | 2010-12-31 | $536,490 |
Value of total assets at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $5,035,396 |
Value of total assets at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $4,158,919 |
Total of administrative expenses incurred including professional, contract, advisory and management fees | 2010-12-31 | $21,000 |
Total income from rents | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Total interest from all sources | 2010-12-31 | $19,375 |
Total dividends received (eg from common stock, registered investment company shares) | 2010-12-31 | $68,806 |
Has a resolution to terminate the plan been adopted during the plan year or any prior plan year | 2010-12-31 | No |
Total dividends received from registered investment company shares (eg mutual funds) | 2010-12-31 | $68,806 |
Assets. Real estate other than employer real property at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Real estate other than employer real property at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Administrative expenses professional fees incurred | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Corporate prefeered stocks other than exployer securities at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Corporate prefeered stocks other than exployer securities at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Was this plan covered by a fidelity bond | 2010-12-31 | Yes |
Value of fidelity bond cover | 2010-12-31 | $500,000 |
If this is an individual account plan, was there a blackout period | 2010-12-31 | No |
Were there any nonexempt tranactions with any party-in-interest | 2010-12-31 | No |
Contributions received from participants | 2010-12-31 | $279,090 |
Participant contributions at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $233,651 |
Participant contributions at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $165,740 |
Participant contributions at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Participant contributions at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $11,072 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Other investments not covered elsewhere at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Income. Received or receivable in cash from other sources (including rollovers) | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Expenses. Other payments made (not to insurance carriers or or participants/beneficiaries) | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Value of other receiveables (less allowance for doubtful accounts) at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Loans (other than to participants) at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Loans (other than to participants) at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Other liabilities (not benefit claims, operating payabales oe acquisition indebtedness) at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Other income not declared elsewhere | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Administrative expenses (other) incurred | 2010-12-31 | $21,000 |
Liabilities. Value of operating payables at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Liabilities. Value of operating payables at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Total non interest bearing cash at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Total non interest bearing cash at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Did the receive any noncash contributions whose value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2010-12-31 | No |
Income. Non cash contributions | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Value of net income/loss | 2010-12-31 | $876,477 |
Value of net assets at end of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2010-12-31 | $5,035,396 |
Value of net assets at beginning of year (total assets less liabilities) | 2010-12-31 | $4,158,919 |
Did the plan have a loss casued by fraud or dishonesty (regardless whether reimbursed by fidelity bond) | 2010-12-31 | No |
Were any loans by the plan or fixed income obligations due to the plan in default | 2010-12-31 | No |
Were any leases to which the plan was party in default or uncollectible | 2010-12-31 | No |
Assets. partnership/joint venture interests at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. partnership/joint venture interests at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Investment advisory and management fees | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $4,533,501 |
Value of interest in registered invesment companies (eg mutual funds) at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $3,725,474 |
Interest on participant loans | 2010-12-31 | $10,262 |
Income. Interest from loans (other than to participants) | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Interest earned on other investments | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Income. Interest from US Government securities | 2010-12-31 | $9,113 |
Income. Interest from corporate debt instruments | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Value of interest in master investment trust accounts at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Value of interest in master investment trust accounts at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Value of interest in common/collective trusts at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $249,431 |
Value of interest in common/collective trusts at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $227,666 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Interest-bearing cash (include money market accounts & certificates of deposit) at beginning of the Year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Value of interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposits) at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Interest earned from interest bearing cash (including money market accounts and certificates of deposit) | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of investments in 103.12 investment entities at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of investments in 103.12 investment entities at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Value of funds held in insurance company general accounts (unallocated contracts) at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Expenses. Payments to insurance carriers foe the provision of benefits | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Asset value of US Government securities at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Asset value of US Government securities at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Net investment gain/loss from registered investment companies (e.g. mutual funds) | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Net investment gain/loss from pooled separate accounts | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Net investment gain or loss from common/collective trusts | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Net gain/loss from 103.12 investment entities | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Were any plan transactions or series of transactions in excess of 5% of the current value of the plan assets | 2010-12-31 | Yes |
Was there a failure to transmit to the plan any participant contributions | 2010-12-31 | No |
Has the plan failed to provide any benefit when due under the plan | 2010-12-31 | No |
Assets. Invements in employer securities at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Invements in employer securities at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of employer real property at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of employer real property at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Contributions received in cash from employer | 2010-12-31 | $257,400 |
Employer contributions (assets) at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $18,813 |
Employer contributions (assets) at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $28,967 |
Income. Dividends from preferred stock | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Income. Dividends from common stock | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Benefit payments and payments to provide benefits directly to participlants or beneficiaries including direct rollovers | 2010-12-31 | $259,749 |
Asset. Corporate debt instrument preferred debt at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Asset. Corporate debt instrument preferred debt at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Asset. Corporate debt instrument debt (other) at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Asset. Corporate debt instrument debt (other) at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Contract administrator fees | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Was the provided the required notice or one of the exceptions to providing the black out period notice applied under 29 CFR 2520.101-3 | 2010-12-31 | No |
Assets. Corporate common stocks other than exployer securities at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Corporate common stocks other than exployer securities at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Liabilities. Value of benefit claims payable at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Liabilities. Value of benefit claims payable at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of buildings and other operty used in plan operation at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Assets. Value of buildings and other operty used in plan operation at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Did the plan have assets held for investment | 2010-12-31 | Yes |
Did the plan hold any assets whose current value was neither redily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser | 2010-12-31 | No |
Were all the plan assets eitehr distributed to particpants/beneficiaries, transferred to another plan or brought under the control of the PBGC | 2010-12-31 | No |
Aggregate proceeds on sale of assets | 2010-12-31 | $-35,117 |
Aggregate carrying amount (costs) on sale of assets | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Liabilities. Value of acquisition indebtedness at end of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Liabilities. Value of acquisition indebtedness at beginning of year | 2010-12-31 | $0 |
Accountant perfomed limited scope audit pursuant to 29 CFR 2520.103-8 and/or 103-12(d) | 2010-12-31 | No |
Opinion of an independent qualified public accountant for this plan | 2010-12-31 | Unqualified |
Accountancy firm name | 2010-12-31 | GARCIA WARNER & TORRES CPA, PSC |
Accountancy firm EIN | 2010-12-31 | 660748146 |
2009 : BAYAMON HEAD START PROGRAM RETIREMENT PLAN 2009 401k financial data |
Funding deficiency by the employer to the plan for this plan year | 2009-12-31 | $0 |
Minimum employer required contribution for this plan year | 2009-12-31 | $38,541 |
Amount contributed by the employer to the plan for this plan year | 2009-12-31 | $38,541 |