Company Name: | DIASORIN INC. |
Employer identification number (EIN): | 411980846 |
NAIC Classification: | 325410 |
The following addresses have been detected on the 401k submissions:
USA Mailing Address | |||||
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Date first seen: 2007-01-01 | |||||
Date last seen: 2024-09-30 | |||||
USA Location Address | |||||
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Date first seen: 2007-01-01 | |||||
Date last seen: 2024-09-30 | |||||
Plan id# | Plan Name | Plan Start Date | Plan Effective Date |
503 | DENTAL PLAN | 2014-01-01 | 2000-01-01 |
506 | DIASORIN, INC. LONG TERM DISABILITY PLAN | 2015-01-01 | 2009-01-01 |
001 | DIASORIN 401(K) PLAN | 2015-01-01 | 2001-01-01 |
502 | HEALTHCARE PLAN | 2015-01-01 | 2000-11-01 |
507 | DIASORIN INC. STD DISABILITY | 2012-01-01 | 2011-01-01 |
505 | DIASORIN, INC. LIFE PLAN | 2015-01-01 | 2009-01-01 |
508 | DIASORIN, INC. VISION PLAN | 2016-01-01 | 2016-01-01 |
509 | DIASORIN, INC. BUSINESS TRAVEL ACCIDENT PLAN | 2016-02-01 | 2016-02-01 |
510 | DIASORIN, INC. FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT PLAN | 2017-01-01 | 2013-01-01 |
511 | DIASORIN, INC. WELFARE BENEFIT WRAP PLAN | 2018-01-01 | 2018-01-01 |