Company Name: | COREY A. MILLER, M.D., P.C. |
Employer identification number (EIN): | 870438335 |
NAIC Classification: | 621111 |
NAIC Description: | Offices of Physicians (except Mental Health Specialists) |
The following addresses have been detected on the 401k submissions:
USA Mailing Address | |||||
| |||||
Date first seen: 2007-01-01 | |||||
Date last seen: 2024-07-31 | |||||
Plan id# | Plan Name | Plan Start Date | Plan Effective Date |
004 | COREY A. MILLER MD PC DEFINED BENEFIT PENSION PLAN | 2015-10-01 | 2003-10-01 |
Date | Type of contribution | Contribution | Number of participants/employees | Average contribution per participant | |
2013-12-12 | Employer Contributions | $ 85,000 | 8 | $ 10,625 | |
2013-12-12 | Employee Contributions | $ 85,000 | 8 | $ 10,625 | |
2011-11-28 | Employer Contributions | $ 270,000 | 7 | $ 38,571 | |
2011-11-28 | Employee Contributions | $ 270,000 | 7 | $ 38,571 | |
2010-11-15 | Employer Contributions | $ 109,215 | 7 | $ 15,602 | |
2010-11-15 | Employee Contributions | $ 109,215 | 7 | $ 15,602 |